

God's Beauty

God’s beauty is all around us, each and every day,

Expressed in things we experience, as we travel along life’s way,

The miracles of nature, no matter where we walk,

The ability to see it all and describe it as we talk

Who cannot help not be touched, by a baby's first real smile

The beauty of a vista, that goes for miles and miles

The blooming of a scented flower on a sunlit day;

The wonder of a stormy sea, when the air is filled with spray.

The quietness of a forest glen, with the sunlight through the trees

Towering giants with leafy arms, waving in the breeze,

The perfection of a summer day and a crop of ripening wheat,

Each day a wondrous miracle, when we the morning greet.

We have precious memories of beauty we have seen

Wonders of Creation in places where we’ve been,

And all of these can strengthen us and give us food for thought,

On the wonders of creation and the miracles God has wrought.

Author Unknown (JW 8/7/03 ) - found on

These are pictures from my garden and my yard. I know that winter is tapping at our backdoor, so I wanted to capture some of the bounty from summer before it all fades away.

Let's take time to enjoy God's goodness!

1 comments...I love comments:

QueenBeeing said...

First, LOVE the poem! have an absolutely beautiful yard! I need the name of your landscaper lol!