It's McLinky Monday...and I'm late to the party.
Better late than never, right? That should probably be my next tattoo...seems to be my life motto right now.
Mrs. Priss wants us to share our favorite crock pot recipes. This is pretty easy for me, because I LOVE my crock pot. Yes, I do. I l-o-v-e it.
I actually did a little semi-vlog for you while I was putting my beans on this morning, but it will NOT load. My iPhone hates me today.
So, here's a recap:
- 1 pound beans
- 2 cartons beef stock
- 1 pinto bean seasoning packet (or your own seasonings)
- 1 cup diced ham
- 2 T taste (Granny's secret ingredient)
- additional seasonings of your choice (i.e. pepper, salt, etc.)
Another crock pot recipe post:
Made-up Italian Chicken
Also, be sure you click over to McLinky Monday for an extensive collection of all sorts of yummy crock pot recipes!
Hope you're all having a great day!
Love and Rockets,