I read a great quote this week that said, "Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more." - Brother David Steindl-Rast
I, for one, want to be both grateful and happy.
Here's a few things I'm thankful for:
- I'm thankful for God and His amazing love for me (and you).
- I'm thankful for the real meaning of Easter.
- I'm thankful for my husband. He works hard and doesn't always get appreciated for it. Love you, babe. (He's a lurker on my blog and likes to bring it to my attention that I "hardly EVER talk about him".)
- I'm thankful for Melissa coming back to the land of blogging! ☺ I missed you!
- I'm thankful for tomorrow being Friday! April 15th and the days around it are not a fun time in an accounting department. Thank you Lord for bringing us through another tax season. It was a little touch and go there for a while, but we made it!
- I'm also thankful for my Starbucks Gold Card and for the good people at the Starbucks Gold Lab for feeling generous and bestowing upon me 5 extra dollars which was loaded to my Gold Card for me to use at my earliest convenience...which will be today. (Was that a run-on sentence? If so, I apologize.) I'm sure this show of appreciation has nothing to do with the amount of times I frequent their establishment(s).
- One last token of gratitude, I am thankful for a couple of good friends who have so graciously agreed to have a Twilight "gathering" with me, which includes, but is not limited to playing the Twilight board game and talking about all things Twilight. I was in desperate need of a Twilight "outlet". I have a couple things to show you...come back tomorrow for some Friday Confessions.
Hope you're having a great week!
What are you thankful for?
18 comments...I love comments:
I'm thankful to have found your blog :)
i missed you to my lovie!!! sooo much!! I love your list...you ALWAYS make me smile! I did my thankfulls too!! love you so much
I am thankful for YOU every single day!!!
Soooo down with your first 3, although my hub sometimes complains when I post about him, saying "that's not the way it happened.!" (Oh yes it is!)
I don't think your Starbucks sentence is a run on (but I'm long winded and not a good judge of things short and succinct!)
I am thankful for people like you, who helped pull me out of my hermit-like blogging existence!
I'm so thankful for the sunshine and hope today!
I LOVE your Thankful Thursdays....they are always GREAT!
Hope you have a GREAT day!♥
I would totally come to a Twilight shindig!
Ooh, can I come to your Twilight gathering!!! I don't live TOO far away.:) Lori
As always, LOVE your list!! I'm thankful for you, sweet, dear friend Jenny!!
So, a Twilight gathering? I would TOTALLY make that trip! I love you tons!!!
Today I can also be thankful for Starbucks, since it's a cold rainy day and that's what I am drinking as I write this. :)
Thanks so much for the comments on my blog the last couple of days. I'm so glad you have stopped by!
This is a great list of thankfuls. I love that it gives you a chance to reflect on all the blessings we have been given...even in the little things!
Love your "Thankfuls"...I wish I had a Starbucks Gold Card .....I am 2 hrs away from the nearest Starbucks!!! Boo Hoo!
Fridays almost here...Hugs Julie
I am thankful I don't like coffee.
Guess what? I got the Twilight movie today. I plan to watch it tomorrow!
Hey JennyKate. You're so funny! I didn't forget about you tagging me on the 8 THINGS thing. It's next in line for posting. Have a great weekend. You deserve it after having such a busy week at work.
Great list! I hope you have a great Friday!
this is a great list! i am thankful for friends who think of me when they get concert tickets...oh..wait... :) xoxo
This is such a great, great list of things to be thankful for. I do believe you hit upon absolutely everything that I could think of...including the wonderful people of Starbucks!
Do you realize how hard it is for me to concentrate on, and absorb your deep, meaningful quotes and posts when Young MC is hollerin' at me to Bust a Move?
I'm just sayin'.
I love your thankful list though! I'm down with most of them (don't drink coffee though, so kinda clueless on the starbucks one!)
I love your Thankful list... sweet!
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