Today's FMM challenge: What is the Best Advice someone has ever given you?
I've received a plethora of notable pieces of advice during my 31 years. They come from a variety of sources...parents, pastors, friends, professionals (I keep my therapist on speed dial. I kid.), and strangers. I remember when I was pregnant with Isaiah, I was SO tired of all the little pieces of nuggets people would freely give..."don't do this, be sure to do that, whatever you do never..." I swore I would never do that to anybody. I try to only give solicited advice. (Really. I swear.) My cousin Lindsay calls me prior to calling her OB or pediatrician. Poor girl. For whatever reason, she thinks I'm a reliable source.
I think the best piece of advice anybody has ever given me came from my old Pastor. He said, if we take care of the big things, the small things will take care of themselves. This one sentence is what helps me to keep things into perspective and prioritize my life. I'm not saying that I'm perfect or that I've got it all together (by any means). However, when things get really crazy, if I just remember that one simple thing, everything seems to fall into place.
I also like this little piece of advice that my mom and I like to remember, just because it's on sale does NOT mean you have to buy it!
Sometimes I refer to Maxine for a little advice (and a good laugh). Enjoy.

Happy Monday!
23 comments...I love comments:
I LOVE Maxine! Taking care of the big things first is definitely important advice. I am so bad at getting hung up on the little things!
You are so funny! :) Hope you have a great week! Hugs!
Great advice. I think the first one is sooo true. I always let the little things get to me, and really I shouldn't, but that's great advice. I hope you have a good day!! :)
Great advice from your pastor and your mom. When I tell my husband that something I bought was on sale, he sarcastically says something like, "Then let's buy four."
Very funny advice from Maxine.
That is so's good to have something like that to tell yourself when things get overwhelming. Big things are taken care of, so don't sweat the small things! :)
Stopping by from FMM but I am also a fellow SITSta, so hello, new friend! Both pieces of advice are good ones. It's amazing how we can get fixated on the little things in life and then later realize how silly and inconsequential they were! Also, your mom's advice is something I've been trying to teach my husband. He came home from the grocery store one night with 12 cartons of icecream because "they were on sale". Yeah. I told him that when you have to spend 50 extra dollars just to save 10 bucks, IT'S NOT WORTH IT! :) Cute blog BTW
Cute!! Cute!! Cute!!
I buy so much junk that is on sale "just because it is a good price!!" Good advice from your mom!!
You have a really cute blog- hope you have a fun week!
Love it!!! Your advice is sooo true! I just need to write it down in big bold letters and follow it! Love funny!
Have a great evening!
What great advice! and SO true..and Maxine, I can definitely relate to the coffee table-message board :-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!
Have a great week.
Hey Jennykate! Nice to meet you! Love the advice! I need to remember the if it's one sell doesn't mean you have to buy it. I do that sometimes!
Maxine made me smile...too cute!
Have a great week!
Great advice! Have you seen that visual example of putting big rocks in a jar and then filling the jar with small rocks and sand? But if you try to put the small rocks and sand in the jar first, then the big rocks won't fit... Always prioritize the big things and take care of them first. Like you said, the rest will fall into place.
Best advice that I received was to break up with the idot that I lived with for 2 years! Whew! I've been blessed ever
Hi JennyKate! Thanks for the advice. I just love a sale. I buy so many things that I normally wouldn't because they are such a great price. I really need to stop doing that!
And I love the one about the big things - so true!
HAHA! Those are too funny! I love Maxine!
I love the advice about taking care of the big things... and I hear ya about the sales. Sometimes 70% off is actually paying 30% more for something you don't need!
im still trying to learn "just because its on sale doesnt mean you have to buy it!"
so hard.
thanks for stopping by my blog!
Maxine is so funny! That's great advice from your pastor.
I love Maxine. But I LOVE you so much more : ).
The best advice I ever got was from my friend Ben in college.
I was sad because I wasn't elected Freshman class secretary or some other such thing and he told me "Rejection is God's protection." and 2 days later I was elected to the Student Body something or other and I was representative of the whole school and not just our class : ).
I try to remember this always as life gets so complicated and I get rejected ALL the time!
Thank you for being the best blogging friend!
PS Do you know why else I think you are cool? You have a flickr box. I don't know how to do that. At I heart faces I can't even comment on flicker pictures. I wish I was cooler like you Jenny Kate!
What great advice. I agree that the little things will always take care of themselves. But how that is sometimes hard to hear. Oh, how I love Maxine. The last one just really cracks me up. Have a great day!
hey beautiful!!!! I love this post...i so miss reading your so happy to be back! The comics cracked me up..that was me on Monday..decaffinated monday!! i love you...and your amazing witty..clever self!!!
Hey you!!! I gave you an award over on my blog!! Come check it out when you get the chance!:-)
That is good advice, Maxine is so funny isn't she. She tells it like it is.
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