First let me start off by saying that I'm a very passionate person. This is not a confession, it's just a factual statement about me, but sometimes my passions can lead to obsessions and confessions. I'm not one to do things half-heartedly or half-way. I'm usually a full-steam ahead, gung ho kind of person. This week instead of just telling you my confessions, I would like to show you my confessions.
- I'm passionate about books, which is not bad. However, my passion often turns to obsession. For example...these books I purchased THIS week.
I'm also a little
obsessedpassionate about vampire books. I have no idea why. - I'm passionate about chocolate, which is not bad...what? It's not. However, once again my passion turns to obsession...as seen below.
- I'm also very
obsessedpassionate about all things Twilight.

Here is where my little game comes into play. I would like you to compare my pictures from this weeks confessions to my pictures of the same things from a couple of weeks ago. See if you can tell me the newly acquired Twilight paraphernalia. The first person to tell me the exact newly acquired items wins a small Twilight something and a Starbucks gift card! (You can click on the pictures to enlarge them and make it easier to find the new items.)
17 comments...I love comments:
I'm not even gonna try to guess! I did read, and enjoy the books, but haven't been swept up in the movie craze yet!
I do watch old seasons of Buffy and Angel though, does that count?
Yay for the weekend hope yours is awesome!
Oh Boy! I've got a chance to win a Twilight goody and scrumptious Starbucks card. Count me in! It looks like you've got
1) a new Twilight game
2) Twilight sweethearts
3) a new Edward doll
4) a new GQ mag
hey I wasn't finished
5) a new Entertainment WEekly mag
How did I do?
Your obsessions are funny. I am not going to try to guess all the new Twilight stuff but I noticed the book from Charlaine Harris. I just got the boxed set of (I believe it was) 7 books. Do you watch the HBO True Blood series? I enjoy it but not so much the episodes that might have a sex scene (those seem to be a bit graphic for my taste).
1st Photo:
2 boxes of Twilight Sweethearts Candy
Edward Figure
Twilight the Movie Board Game
2nd Photo (wall):
GQ cover
Entertainment Weekly Cover
I'm back...just wanted to inform you that I finally did my 8 things. Thanks for the tag. I had fun with it.
Aw man! They already beat me!! I'm way good at this game btw! Your picture confessions are wicked cool! Good job!
Question: If the New Kids On The Block were to announce they've written a self-help book for Twilight addicts... would you read it?
You are SO funny. And so wonderful! Buying chocolate from a co workers kids TOTALLY counts as a good deed. You rock, Jenny Kate! Have a sunshiney weekend with all of your obsessions!
oh twilight, i love it!
I think they've already guessed them all! Waaaa!!
And, your new books are ones I've read or am reading!!
I just picked up 3 new vampire books yesterday as well. We are crazed!!! Lol!
I could so tell that you are a passionate person. you posts always have so much energy!
Lovin' your blog and your confessions on Friday
Because I too am a Twilight junkie...here you go.
On the filing cabinet you have added an Edward figurine, 2 boxes of terrible sweethearts, really they're horrible don't eat them, and the trivia board game. And you have removed the hole punch.
On the cork board you have added the GQ and Entertainment cover. Moved one of the small pictures to be with the other two, moved the cast picture above the QG cover and removed the I heart U banner.
Love your confessions!
Thanks for visiting my blog, come back any time!
Hey Jenny!!! Thank you, I love to read your blog!!
You have a wonderful Weekend to!
In the 1st picture, an Edward Twilight doll, Twilight Sweethearts and a Twilight game. 2nd picture: a GQ Magazine & new Entertainment Weekly.
I am passionate about books too! I love to escape into a good book.
i just started a new paranormal series by ilona andrews and I really like it so far. i'm telling you, this kindle is dangerous!
thanks so much for your kind words about my uncle. i really appreciated hearing from you!
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