A couple of my IRL friends have said they would like to join in on Friday Confessions. I thought it would be fun to have a central place where everyone can add their Friday Confessions link, so we can all see what it is that you needed to confess. This is a great way to start the weekend...a fresh clean slate! If you would like to join in the Friday Confession fun, just add your link into Mr. Linky (*a button will be available soon) and be sure to direct people back here so they can read more Friday Confessions! Make sure that the link you add into Mr. Linky is the perma-link for your post. (Tip: After writing your FC post, view your blog and click on the FC post title, the address that comes up in the browser will be the perma-link.) Have fun...and don't do anything I wouldn't do...or maybe you shouldn't do things that I would do...or...well...never mind all that, just have fun! ☺
(*For now, you can use my FCs pic for your posts if you want.)
♥ A little update from last week's FC's. I did purchase some tickets for the Dallas NKOTB concert in July! Woot! Renee and I will be seated in section 102, row s (from my calculations that's 19 rows back...not too shabby). Our DH's (darling husbands☺) won't agree to an extended trip to Houston. They like to rain on our parade like that.
♥After a few people's response yesterday on my lists, I realized that apparently I've never confessed my affection for body art. Last May, on a girl's weekend in Branson, I got my first tattoo. I've had a lifelong fear of needles and I thought it would be terribly painful, but it wasn't. Here's a pic of my first one...

Every since then I've wanted more. I'm hooked. I don't plan on getting a full sleeve or a whole back piece or anything like that, I'm not that rockstar, but I would like another one on my shoulder. Then I would also like one on my hip. Those are the only two I have in mind...for now. I was thinkin' something kinda gangsta...that's how I roll. I kid. I know for sure I'm getting a heart on my shoulder. I already have it picked out. It's like an open heart, kinda scrolled...like this:
I think it symbolizes an open heart. I like that. I want to have an open heart. I'm trying to think of some words to put with it, but haven't decided yet. It has to be perfect. It is permanent after all, thanks for pointing that out Vivienne! ☺
Anybody else have tattoos? Care to share what you have and why you have it...or post some pics for us to see??
Hope everyone has a happy Good Friday!
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (jennykate translation)
23 comments...I love comments:
I view tattoos as accessories, sort of like jewelry or a handbag. With the exception of my wedding ring, there is not a single piece of jewlery I would want to wear every day of my life; ergo, no tattoo for me!
I do have a confession to make, but my husband read my blog on occasion, and I'm not sure I'm ready to tell him....
I am scared of tatoos! I love yours though : )! Cute as can be! I think the idea of an open heart is nice.
PS You are not going to get a full sleeve because you aren't a rock star? WHAT THE HECK! All the time I was coming here I was only coming because I thought you were a rock star Jenny Kate. Are you sure you aren't?
OK, I have to leave another comment because I realized I just can't post this:
My husband says we need to wash the knives from the knife block by hand, and only by hand.
(O this is so embarrassing...)
Sometimes... when I'm mad at him... I run knives through the dishwasher, just to do it.
(I'm so ashamed.)
Now you can see why I can never post that.
(Please don't tell anyone.)
Ohmygosh, Vivienne...you're totally cracking me up. You're secret is safe with me. ;)
Hey Sweetie! You need to come back and enter my giveaway!:)
Lovin' the song! I'm sitting here dancing in my chair! Lori
i'm excited to join friday confessions when i get back to blogging in a few weeks! (we should be all moved by the end of april and the craziness at work should be winding down by then).
but here's a confession from this week ~ i totally clogged up the sink and almost broke the garbage disposal by putting too much leftover teriyaki chicken and beef down it. whoops. nothing a bottle of draino won't fix though!
have a wonderful weekend and happy easter!
I have a half moon & a pink & blue stars too. It's similiar & I also have a heart on my leg in almost the same spot. Funny. I want another tattoo this year, that will make #5
I have two tattoo's! First one was when I was 18. The second was exactly 10 years later.
Oh I am so bad azz!!
I really like the open heart.
If I got a tatoo i think I would get something really vivid and colorful.
Happy Easter!
I am too chicken to get a tattoo. Maybe I'll eventually talk myself into it. :) Then again, I have no idea what I'd get.
And Vivienne -- I do the same thing with our knives. :-)
Nope no tattoos here. I would never get one. It's not my style. Congrats on getting the NKOTB tickets!
The open heart is my favorite!
I never got the idea you where the tattoo type...Sometimes there have been tattoo shows on TV and I am fascinated by all the people that get them...Glad you shared your tattoo's ....
Thanks for your sweet comment on my
Blog..HUGS Julie
Oh...all pain scares me!!!
sandy toe
Hope you have a beautiful Easter weekend! ♥ HUGS ♥
I have a feather...you've seen it...i want a second one also..im thinking about a white one...have you seen those...very cool...not sure about the words...just please dont put EC...your hubby may get jealous... :)
I'm linked up! YAY ME! =)
Those are really cute. I like the heart. I want Rob to get a christian one a cross something really cool. He is mr. conservative and keeps telling me he needs bigger muscles. Maybe I should get one?? I think they are kind of neat, I'm not big on permanant though.
First time here..I saw you on Impulsive addict's blog. I actually did a Friday Confession without actually knowing that somebody does it. So since I know now - I put it on your Mr. Linky. Love your blog:)
i don't have a tattoo, but if i did get one, it would have to have meaning to it - like yours!
(thanks for stopping by my blog earlier this week - i've been a slacker with the comments this week)
Once in high school, I got a fake rose tattoo and put it on my ankle, and told my BF I had gotten a tattoo at the mall. He almost dumped me!
Oh, and I can't make confesssions on my blog...my mom reads it!!!!
How fun!! That open heart is sweet. I like it. I don't have any, and not sure that I'm brave enough for one, but the open heart sounds like a great choice!
Cute tatoos...I'm not brave enough. I would love to have a dolphin jumping out of water. Too scared!
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