No introduction needed.
- I haven't had Starbucks since last Friday. They may revoke my Gold Card.
- I have an abnormal phobia of arachnids. I can't write the 's' word on my blog... *shudders* I seriously want to cry sometimes. You want to see me strip down naked in broad daylight. Put one of the previously mentioned eight-legged creatures down any article of clothing and it's coming off. I'm not even playin'.
- Going without my favorite foods make me cranky.
- Since today is my "cheat day", I may hit Starbucks two times.
- I wore capris to work the other day. While I was leaning down to file something away, I caught a glimpse of my chalky-white unshaven legs. Note to self: shave legs before putting on another pair of pants that comes above the ankle...and get a tan. Geez.
- I downloaded Scramble to my iPhone. Don't do it. I'm addicted. I played that stupid game so long last night that I had toothpicks holding my eyelids open. Then I dreamed about letters and words, and words and letters. I even woke up and was ticked off because I had been dreaming about spelling words. I drifted back to sleep trying to dream about something more pleasant like Twilight or Edward. Not a chance. The next thing I knew I was trying to make a word out of 'a-n-t-o-r-i-d'...it should be a word, people. Perhaps it is in Arabic.
Hope you have a HAPPY FRIDAY!!
27 comments...I love comments:
RANTOID - what I will go off on if I don't have my coffee, see a spider, don't get enough and realize I am furry.
no starbucks in a week?!? wow, girlie!
my legs are pasty white too! i just saw pictures of them from our vegas trip, and i'm so surprised i didn't blind someone with them! i keep telling myself that i'm okay with being pale like nicole kidman, but i sure do like having a little color... i just bought some of that tinted lotion ~ i'll let you know how it works out! :o)
have a wonderful weekend!
Sleep! I meant "don't get enough sleep." (Although the other can make me cranky too.)
Tooooo funny!
Thanks for the laugh!
You are so funny! Addicted to the scrabble app....LOL!!
That's funny about the dream. Funny because I've been there. Not with scrabble, but dreaming about blogging!
Enjoy your weekend!
LOL! I HATE spiders too. Deathly afraid of them. Eww! **Shivers**
I wish we had a Starbucks. Yummm...
Loved your list - especially the white unshaven legs - ha ha ha! Too funny. :)
Love these, I do that same thing, get addicted to some game or tv show or book and then I dream about it all night.
Oh, the pasty white legs! I totally did the same thing the other day. Wow, I really need to shave AND I need a tan! Starbucks twice in one day will help, though! :)
Oh my goodness, it is true....I downloaded Scrabble too, I go to be at 10pm and am still awake at 11pm, playing Scrabble! It is sooo addicitve.
JK, Can I just tell you that I wore a skirt today and I also was disgusted by the PALE shade of white on my legs today. We need to quit working and start tanning. What do you think?
I don't have any games on my cell phone because I know that I am weak for games! I play tetris on my gameboy for at least one hour a night before bed. What is wrong with me?
I am PETRIFIED of the eight-legged things. My worst phobia. Give me a snake or a rat any time, but keep those other hairy buggers away!
You are too adorable...love reading your blog1
Hey I just gave you an award for showing gratitude on your blog! You deserve it! Come check it out!
My record for scramble is 76 HOOKER!! How do you like them apples????
What, no Starbucks? The world is coming to an end, isnt it?!
Scramble makes me hate myself...I'm just saying! I get 19 out of 902 possible words!! Makes no sense to me! lol!
Love ya!!
My husband is totally addicted to Scrabble on his iPod touch and I'm not allowed to say the "S" word around my daughter. She is terrified of them.
I have a tag for you over at my blog. Hope you'll play along.
Have a great day!
congrats on your starbucks restraint! wow! don't worry - I've been known to hit up SB twice in one day as well. actually, when I go I always get two drinks. ;) I drink their teas and they go so fast that I get two. haha.
I hate those things too (shudder)!
I hope you had a great weekend!
the Starbucks Queen without her coffee? Oh...you didn't say no coffee, you said no Starbucks...but still. Do you at least still have the smell of Starbucks locked in your car so you can 'sniff' it when you need a fix? lol...
psstt...Tag, you're IT! Come see!
Don't you love it when you stay up WAY too late doing something mindless and stupid and then sleep terrible on top of it?! Usually happens to me in front of the computer - if I'm watching tv, I just fall asleep :)
Hahaha. Love this one! Wow, long time without Starbucks, way to go! I get cranky too when I miss my fav foods, I'm trying to work some things out of my diet somewhat slowly so I can just get used to being without them :(
And scrabble... I don't even play the real game! LOL
I needed a tan too...so...I have just started laying in the tanning bed. LOL
My husband is scared of spiders...I am terrified of snakes!
I hope your week is going perfectly!
Hi there. Just thought I'd let you know I tagged you in a fun little meme on my blog. Stop by, check it out, and participate if you'd like!
You're so funny!! Are you still dreaming about ABCs or have you moved on to sweeter dreams of Edward?
Guess what...Fed Ex just rang my door bell...you know what that means. It's hear!!! Thanks so much JennyKate for everything! Now I've got a Twilight bookmark for my Twilight book and I just popped yummy little sweetheart in my mouth. Now all that's left to do is hit the Starbucks. Aren't you the bestest bloggy friend ever!!
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