As you can tell from my title to this blog, I have much blogging business to take care of. Sorry it's taken me so long to tell you the winner of the Gift Drawer CLEANOUT Giveaway. I've been sick and feeling like poo.
Without further ado, the winner of the Gift Drawer CLEANOUT Giveaway is...

Joy @ Joy To The Blog
I also have a bloggy award to pass on. ReRe @ Re-Ramblings passed on the Fabulosity Award to me...ME...can you believe it? I was totally honored, because I think her blog is FABULOUS, so for her to tell me that she thinks my blog is fabulous is a huge compliment. As we all know, when you receive a bloggy award you must pass it on. This one will not be a hard one to pass on because I read so many FABULOUS blogs. The hard part will be deciding who NOT to give this award to. So, I'm going to pass it on to some bloggy friends who I have not given an award to before.

My 3 and 4 are Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha and Three Baby Chicks - These girls hosted the Where's Wenda search...go check out there blogs to find out what it was. They made it around to hundreds of blogs commenting along the way. Their blogs are fantastic...ones you don't want to miss! FABULOUS
One last thing before I go...WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON IN THAT PEA-SIZED BRAIN OF JASON's?! I know I'm not the only one who is totally ticked off at the Molly for taking him's INSANE! I say "I'm never watching this STUPID show again...eVER!" However, I know from past experience, like the Brad Womack season, that I will return and watch it again...I'm sick like that I guess. I get so mad at the show and things that happen, but by the next time the season rolls around I've forgiven and forgotten. I don't know this time though. I think it was pretty low, pretty planned out, pretty staged...and I'm not happy. How about you? What's your feelings?
I'll have the Spring Cleaning Tips post up tomorrow! It's a pretty good list!
Oh, and this is my 150th post! Woohoo!
10 comments...I love comments:
OMG! I couldn't believe it! Poor Melissa! I felt so sorry for her. What an idiot. I wouldn't have taken him back... Both girls deserve someone better.
Melissa was so humiliated and MAD...What was Jason thinking??? I thought he should of picked Molly any ways...but...Jason is so wishy washy...No way would I have taken him back. I bet...Melissa will be the next Bachelorette...that's always the way it seems to go!
You know, when I was reading the 'spoiler' I kept thinking, "I wish I wasn't reading's spoiling everything!" but after SEEING it, I'm so glad I did. I was already just sick about it. I think if I watched it last night w/o knowing I would of hunted him down!!
i'm so over jason. OVER.
Aren't you so cool. 150th post. I just love you to pieces : ).
I think everyone felt bad for Jason in the beginning & wanted him to find someone. Now I think people are looking at him differently. What he did to Melissa was way worse than what Deanna did to him. The funny thing is Melissa & Molly were my faves from the 1st or 2nd show.
Congrats to the winner of your giveaway and also on your award.
That's great that you have reached 150!
What?? I didn't win?? Aw nuts! I'm a sore loser.
But I'm waaayy excited about receiving an award from you!! I received it from ReRe too! I feel like a rock star! You were so sweet in your description of my crazy blog!
On to Jason. I think that the producers are cruel for making him break up with her on camera (I watched him on Jimmy Kimmel and that's his story and he's sticking to it), but apparently they were already broken up before going on camera and it sounded as if it were "staged". I think Molly is a nut job for taking him back and I'm pretty sure my daddy would kick his azz if he did that to me (broke my heart and then wanted me back). I'm done watching The Bachelor/ette. They all can suck it! I will find a new fabulous show to watch that IS real life. there one?
I was way disappointed for Jason proposing to Melissa when he was so torn over Molly. I just didn't think he should have proposed. I thought him and Molly would have been better the whole time. I will continue to watch the show, but it did seem cruel to stage it on the air. More for Melissa having to sit there and listen to it.
Thank you so much! :o)
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