I actually wasn't going to post an
I ♥ Faces picture this week. I had planned on taking a "messy" picture this weekend, but got sick instead. So, I started digging through my old pictures without much luck. Then last night I ran across this one. It's not that great of a picture and was taken with my old camera which was not that great. However, the story behind it is kinda cute. We were at my Granny's house one Sunday afternoon and Isaiah went MIA. I was looking high and low and when I found him he was in my Granny's closet, sitting on the floor with a tube of cherry chapstick...and as you can tell he was "applying" it all over his lips...and cheeks...and chin...it was quite the
13 comments...I love comments:
How funny! I never would have guess Cherry Chapstick. I was thinking jelly... maybe spagetti sauce. Too cute.
Love all the red! My daughter would do that too if I would let her (so fingers crossed she never gets into my stash, I'm a chapstick junkie)!!
LOL - too cute! I bet his face wasn't chapped after all of that : )
Hope you are feeling better!
Oh how funny!! THIS is the way I see our boys! It's a wonder we ever get a picture of anything else!! So cute!!
That is just too cute.
Very messy indeed!
Well, that shade looks GREAT on him : ). Love your messy picture and LOVE the sweet story behind it!
My kiddo is a chapstick fiend too! That's why mine are all clear! Great shot - love the story behind it!
How cute!
At least his lips will be nice and smooth! And the rest of his face too. Very cute!
You poor thing ~ my son just gave me the flu so I know exactly how you were feeling over the weekend. Blech! :(
What a cute photo for our messy theme though. The story was super-fun too!
co-founder of I ♥ Faces
OMG! This is totally funny! You need to scrapbook this one so that his high school friends will be able to make fun of him for eating cherry lipstick/chapstick! HA! He may have eaten some too!
I had no idea that cherry chapstick could accomplish such a thing. Hilarious!
I have learned, through experience, that whenever my children are too quiet, there is usually a mess waiting for me to clean up somewhere. :)
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