Top 10 Things I that I absolutely Can't (or at least wouldn't want to) Live Without and Why:
(Note: You all already know that I could NOT live without God, my family, and my wonderful, here are some other things that I absolutely CAN NOT live without ☺)

1. Starbucks is my drug of choice. I definitely fall in the Starbucks addict category and I've got my Gold Card to prove it. ☺

2. Books are one of my top favorite things. What a dull, boring, black and white world this would be without books. I told a friend the other day that I'm such a daydreamer and books give me something to daydream about. They fuel my imagination. They're educational. They're an escape from reality when you need them to be. I love books!

3. iPhone...hello! What did I do without this device? I mean what other thing can you talk, text, e-mail, look up a recipe, watch a movie, listen to music, check the weather, read USA Today, check your facebook page, post a Twitter, get directions, check your movie cue on Netflix, find a restaurant, make a list, post a blog, read a book, play a game, and surf the internet on? That's really just scratching the surface of all the things it's capable of. I ♥ my iPhone.

4. Bare Minerals is the best make-up. I'm not big on heavy foundation or heavy make-up period, so this is definitely the make-up for me! Plus, it's super quick and I only have about 20 minutes to myself in the mornings to fix my hair and put on make-up.

6. Twilight/Edward...I know this may sound crazy, but now that I know about Edward, I wouldn't want to live without him. I think Stephenie Meyer is one of the coolest people on earth. Her dreams and imagination are what brought Edward and Bella into existence. I'm a hopeless romantic, and so the idea that the impossible love is possible after all...well, I think it's wonderful.

7. Coach is one of my guilty pleasures. I only buy a couple a year, but I'm crazy about Coach. The purses are way cute and they can last forever! I always tell my hubby that it's actually a wise investment. I'm not sure he buys into that, but he humors me at least.

8. Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo is my favorite shampoo. I have skin issues and this shampoo makes all the difference in the world! Plus, it makes my scalp feel all tingly. I like that.

9. Blogger. It's become such a big part of my life. I love blogging. I love reading blogs.

10. Gossip magazines. I like to know what my friends in Hollywood are up to. It's fun to see them in real life situations. I do feel sorry for them at times. I wouldn't want my life to be so public. They're so gosh darn entertaining. They're like my treat at the grocery store. I can't leave without one...or two.
Go on over to Kelsey's blog and make some new friends at Friend Making Monday!
21 comments...I love comments:
Great list!!! Welcome to FMM, nice to meet you! I heart Twilight too, infact I am heading over to find out which heroin I am thanks to your button on the side bar there!
i too couldn't live without Mr. Edward Cullen!
great list! we have so much in common. did you check out that author I told you about? i finished the series this weekend and I can't wait until the next one comes out!
Your to funny and if I was being truthful I love so many of the same things. I'm not big on celebraties but I like to read the covers and stupid stories.
fabulous list! we have a lot in common ~ i love books, my cell phone, bare minerals, twilight, and of course blogging too!
didn't you just love the host and hunger games?!? i'm so anxious for the next book in the hunger games series, and hope that stephenie meyer is working on something new and fabulous for us!
have a wonderful day!
I saw this on Andrea's blog too. Such a great idea. I'm with you Gossip magazines... they're so fun.
Great list and welcome to FMM!!
I love my iPhone and feel completely naked without it. Seriously will turn the car around and go back home to get it....even if I am 30 mins away!!
I read the Twilight books over the holidays and just watched the movie this weekend- thought it was super!
Have a great week!
What a great list! Welcom to FMM - it's so much fun!
I have seen "books" on so many people's lists, and I can't believe I left it off mine!
I soooo love reading!
Hey girl! Long time, no comment! :) I'm finally getting back to blogging (at least reading blogs again). Hope you have a great week! Hugs, Shilo
Great list!
Nice to meet you. :)
Great list! Welcome to FMM! I love Twilight too - I don't know how many times I've watched it!
Have a great day!
Your list is great...I want a COACH bag so bad....Maybe this year will be the year. Oh...I love the first song on your play list...It's making me remember my college days....Julie
Great list. I can so relate to Starbucks, iPhone, and books!
Great list!! I have a Q - You said you have skin issues - do you mean breakouts and such? Does the bare minerals help with that? I've been having skin problems since having baby.... Grr!
I loved reading your list! I am from Jenks! It is fun to meet new friends through blogging. Your blog is too cute!
Great post!
Did you notice that something has been missing from your blog? It might have appeared around the time I stopped commenting? I’m sorry about all that. I took a little hiatus from the blogosphere, but I couldn’t stay away too long. After a break, I had to come by again and see what you’ve been up to.
Glad that I did.
PS: Thanks for the birthday love!
K, of COURSE I knew about the Starbucks! There were several others I already knew too...Twilight, Blogger & books....I wish I had an iPhone!! Good list!
I love to read as keeps me sharp and is so relaxing. And I would love an iphone. That my be my next splurge. Great list...nice meeting you.
I loved hearing about what makes you tick ")
Oh, I love a lot of the same things: coffee, reading, blogging, and MY iPHONE!! I even sleep with my phone! LOL!
Fun list!
It's eerie how similar we are! (Eerie is spelled correctly b/c I checked it with my iphone dictionary app)
I would only have to disagree with number 1 and number 8. I HATE coffee and anything that tastes similar to it. I think I would rather drink urine than have to drink coffee every day. Are you ok? Did you have a heart attack? I know we're still friends b/c you love me anyway.
BTW..I have moved on to the number 2 song by Toby Mac. I loved it except for that opera shiz at the end. my Joey is singin' to me.
Moving on..
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