Sometimes. At night. I sit on my iPhone and go back and forth between Facebook, Twitter, Blogger...and occasionally Myspace. Just change my age and call me 15. Next thing you know I'll be changing my status to "Jenny is bored...plz txt...918-xxx-xxxx".
In a moment of parental weakness, I encouraged Isaiah to play a computer game and now my laptop has been kidnapped by a 5 year old.
In a moment of parental weakness, I encouraged Isaiah to play a computer game and now my laptop has been kidnapped by a 5 year old.
(I'm trying to watch my DVR'd episodes of the Bachelor...Isaiah needs me to put appendages back on Transformers and begging to watch Sponge Bob on "my TV")
Isaiah: Please put Starscreams wing back on...puhhhleeeeezzzeee.
Me: Ok, just a minute...momma just wants to watch this ONE thing.
Isaiah: BUT mom...I need Starscreams wing put back on NOW...not later. He can't fight Megatron until he has his wing-uh!
Me: OK-uh. Give me his wing. (aimlessly trying to re-attach the wing while swooning over Jason)
Isaiah: Mom...you're NOT doing it right!
Me: Here, Bub...look...you wanna play on momma's computer?
Isaiah: NO-uh, Mom. I just want Starscreams wing back on!
Me: I'm working on it. Daddy is so much better at repairing Transformers...you should ask Daddy...he really loves putting Transformers back together.
Isaiah: No...you have to do it. You're the bestest at putting wings back on.
Me: Well, I thought I heard Daddy say that he really wanted to play Transformers.
Isaiah: Momma.
Me: Ok, ok. (finally getting Starscream back to his fighting condition)
Isaiah: Great, Mom! You're the best mom EVER!
(3 minutes go by)
Isaiah: Uh oh, Mom...now BumbleBee is missing one of his arms...he can't tranform into a vehicle until he has his arm!
Me: Ok, one last repair!
Isaiah: OK!
(Bumblebee is back to HIS fighting condition)
Isaiah is playing happily.
(3 minutes go by)
Isaiah: Mom! You gotta help the Autobots are being taken over by Starscream and Megatron! They're trying to destroy the Autobots!!!
Me: Ok, Bub...I promise, just a few more minutes while I watch my show.
Isaiah: It can't wait a few more minutes...in a few more minutes the Decepticons will take over the Autobots! Do you know what happens then Mom?
Me: Just a sec.
Isaiah: Do you know what happens then MOM?
Me: WHat? What happens then (pausing the DVR...for the umpteenth time)
Isaiah: They'll take over the whole world! All of Oklahoma! You wouldn't want that WOULD you mom?
Me: Of course not.
Me: Hey, Bub...you sure you don't want to play on mom's computer? There are Transformer games!!
Isaiah: Transformer games?! Woohoo!
(1 hour later)
Me: Hey, Bub...can momma have the computer back?
I watched the season finale of True Beauty...and I liked it.
I bought a dozen donut holes yesterday and I ate them all...before I left town...and sat waiting on the train wishing I had more.
Do you have something you would like to confess? Well, just do it...leave it in my comments or make a confession post of your own. Remember...it's good for the soul. You'll feel better. I promise.
Happy Friday!
23 comments...I love comments:
Girl, I have too much to confess... ;) I did eat a piece of chocolate cake for breakfast...:0)
Thanks for stopping by today and leaving me a comment about the RED party...I hope you can join the fun and Flaunt your reds! Nancy
i've passed on the fabulous blog award to you!
Here's my confession...I have eaten ice cream for dinner many times. Also nachos for lunch. I once had a brownie sundae for breakfast. (I'm talking, like, last week!)
Hope all is good with you! :)
HAHAHA! AWESOME! He sounds like such a boy! I'm sure it's great to have someone around that's so full of energy -- especially when you're trying to watch The Bachelor:)
Happy Friday, Jenny!
Where did you go, on a train?
Ha! Lori's comment made me laugh. Apparently she's not from Dub-town!
I'm thinking about doing the whole Friday confession thing but I am pretty sure I would lose my entire following. I'm weird and I've done a good job hiding that fact so far.
I watched True Beauty. I was happy with the winner! And how hot was that last photo shoot? I'm pretty sure it was too hot for skinomax!
Lori, HELLO!...it's Wagoner. I was waiting on a train...you know sitting at the train tracks waiting for the train to cross...ONE of the most annoying things about living in Wagoner. :) Silly girl!
Too funny! Loved the conversation with your son!
I am a TOTAL internet stalker! I love to find people I haven't seen in forever and read about their lives on Facebook/My Space/Blogs! I have found people for friends, even found my husbands old girlfriend. I want to be a Internet PI when I grow up!
Confession~ I'm trying so hard to lose weight. However, yesterday I ate 12 mini pita bread pieces. 12... that's bad.
Confession~ I'm trying so hard to lose weight. However, yesterday I ate 12 mini pita bread pieces. 12... that's bad.
OMG! I have so been there with those Transformer toys. It got to the point where I "really" wanted to just throw them all out. Now, it's Daddy's job. It waits till he gets home. Besides, I can hardly figure out how to put them together myself! Too funny!
The movie was so awesome, and yes, it was so traumatizing when Bumblebee lost his arm.
Wait...is this our house??
My four-yr old is currently attempting a most convincing argument to take over the computer from me for his all time favorite starfall!
kari & kijsa
Love this post!
Who can resist a conversation about a computer game. When Scout engages me in one... bad mommy moment here...I nod and smile... and tune it out.
Off to get some donut holes ")
How are you so funny : ). Your comptuer was napped by a 4 year old. How long do you think you could go without your blog or facebook? I don't think I could go too long. Like 24 hours would DEFINITELY be pushing it for me!
How are you so funny : ). Your comptuer was napped by a 4 year old. How long do you think you could go without your blog or facebook? I don't think I could go too long. Like 24 hours would DEFINITELY be pushing it for me!
I forgot to say my confession:
Who ate 5 pieces (oh yes you read that right) of thin crust philly cheesesteak pizza from Dominos?
Shoot me now.
we've been eating out a TON lately... so bad!
How funny....ahhh..right now nothing to confess...oh..I have not exercised in a week and I payed for it..oops!
sandy toe
Did I tell you how much I LOVE your new blog header? So cute. It just totally makes me smile!
Did I tell you how much I LOVE your new blog header? So cute. It just totally makes me smile!
Um, yeah, I sadly have more than just a few things to confess. Your nemisis may be doughnut holes, but mine are Girl Scout Cookies.
You can never have just one. Ack!
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