- I have a confession...I'm going to a Twilight "watch party"!!! Woohoo!! Most of the Borders, Hot Topics, and FYIs are hosting Twilight "hours" or "watch parties". I think the majority of them start at 10:00pm and last until after midnight, when you can officially buy you're very own (legal☺) copy of Twilight!! Anybody else going?
- My second confession is that I'm taking Isaiah with me. I realize it will be late. However, I brought him to work with me today and I don't want to make the 35 minute trip back home, then another 35 minute trip back. We're going to Borders...it's a book store...it's educational.
- I wish the cleaning fairy would visit my house today while I'm away. I am NOT looking forward to cleaning house and doing laundry all day tomorrow. That's like another work day. It's not fair really. I think we should have three day weekends. It seems like I just start relaxing and enjoying myself on Sunday afternoon, then it's back to work the next morning.
- I've been doing a pretty good job of eating healthy this week. (It's not *ieting, that's a bad word.) That's not the confession. The confession is that my sweet friends Melissa and Michelle sent me a whole box of cookies from Cheryl & Co.!!! A WHOLE BOX...like 24! Have you ever tasted these cookies? They're A-mazing! I've got to do something with these cookies...quick...before I eat them all by myself. It did say on the package they could be frozen and eaten at a later date. Maybe that's the answer. Will I have the willpower to resist them, even if they're frozen? Will they still call my name through the refrigerator door? When you say your prayers tonight or today or whenever, think of me and the Cheryl & Co. cookies.
Hope everyone is having a FABULOUS Friday!!
20 comments...I love comments:
I wanna go to a TWILIGHT party!!! WAAAAAAAH!!! :0) I miss you sweet girl!!
Sounds like fun.
You know, so many people love Twilight I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with me. :-)
Gabe bought me some of those cookies for Valentines day and I just had to tell myself that I definitely couldn't have more than one in a day (but that didn't always work). You crack me up! Enjoy your party, wish Missy and I could go with you. I <3 Twilight!
i did not make it to a twilight watch party, but i did watch my bootlegged copy of twilight! i shared the experience with my hubby, who assured me that he loves me way more than edward loves bella!
I wish I had a cleaning fairy too! :o)
I need to start eating better.
I didn't go to a Twilight party, but my amazing Hubby snuck out at midnight to brave the crazy crowd and buy me a copy!!!
I haven't seen Twilight yet, isn't that bad? A screening party would be so fun!
Your confession about a Twilight watch party cracked me up. Can't wait to read the upcoming post about that one.
Oh, and if you manage to get a hold of the Cleaning Fairy, be sure to send her in my direction once she is done with your house!
Sounds fun!
Sent an award your way at our blog!
Happy Sunday!
how was your twilight party? i decided to wait until saturday and get mine from target since they had the free itunes download as well.
just wanted to remind you i've moved to www.mychihuahuabitesblog.com!
I love this song, Bust A Move!! Hope you had fun.. I ordered from On Demand and it was all screwed up but I watched it anyway..
I wish I could have gone to the Twilight party with you!!! I wanted to go to one SO badly, but had no one to go with.:( How was it??? Lori
You just need to give me those delish cookies and I'll do away with them. And when I say "do away with them", I mean that if you want them back, they will be in my tummy.
I would love to have a three day weekend every weekend.
First of all... I LOVE your header!!! SO cute!
Twilight party? You are a rock star!! I agree on the whole 3 day weekends! Saturday always feels so busy trying to catch up and get ready for the coming week!
I've never had those cookies before! I'd love to try them!
First of all, did the cleaning fairy show up at your house? Yeah, mine neither! Secondly, my husband and I are having our own Twilight party right now...ask me who's more excited though? :)
Yea! Three day weekends...sounds great! How 'bout 7 day weekends? Even better! and with a cleaning fairy...that darn fairy skips my house every time (maybe we scare it).
Hey friend o rama who brings the drama! Was your party fun? I hope so! I thought of you all weekend because I knew it was coming out and I knew you were going to be excited.
Do you think your husband would let you get a cleaner? I am not kidding. It is THE BEST feeling in the whole world. I would give up almost anything for it. Really, it's that good.
I am a terrible eater. I am happy for you : )
Hope you had a great time at the Twilight party and if the cleaning fairy stops by your house...ask her if she will make it to mine as well! LOL
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