- First, I have been a BAD blogger this week. This yuck/sick/junk has really put me behind. My head and sinuses have felt so bad the last few days and before that it was the nasty congestion and cough. I know others have been sick too. Hoping and praying we are all better ASAP! I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get back to business as usual around here. So, I apologize for not being around and not visiting and commenting on blogs like I normally do. I'm hoping to play a little catch-up this weekend.
- I still have NOT posted the Spring Cleaning Tips, but I will soon...I promise. I actually started the post last weekend, but just haven't had the "umph" to finish it.
- I've been bad bad bad in the Starbucks category. Which I normally am, but this week has been extra worse. I think my head has felt so "foggy" that I kept thinking a little more Starbucks might help. If my calculations are correct, I've had 4 venti iced Americanos, 2 hot Americanos, 3 Iced Apple Chai (for my throat ☺), and 2 new Starbucks VIAs (the new instant coffee from Starbucks, which is the BEST instant coffee I've ever had). Yeah. It's bad.
- I went to bed almost every night WITHOUT washing the dishes. Do you know how sucky it is to wake up in the morning to a sink full of dirty dishes?! I hate that! Why do I do that to myself...sick or not. Ugh!
- Which brings me to this confession, due to being so lazy in the evenings, my mornings have been chaotic and I've been late every morning this week. Man I'm hoping next week is better. It has to be.
- This is a good one...I deleted EVERYTHING on the DVR. I thought I was doing a good thing by deleting all the Bachelor episodes, because we all know how that turned out and we know it is definitely not worth re-watching. Well, in the process of deleting the Bachelor episodes, I deleted everything else...all of my husband's recordings...not good. I had thought about playing dumb or going into the witness protection program, but I was a good girl and just faced the music. He was like "HOW do you delete EVERYTHING on the DVR?" I'm like..."I have NO idea, Michael. It was an ACCIDENT! DUH" Woops.
How has your week been? Anything you need to confess? Well, I'm listening. ☺
Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!
9 comments...I love comments:
My week was SO dismal Jenny Kate. I am taking Dismal with a capital D. I have a boss that is DRIVING ME CRAZY and I am stressed and freaking out every day. Please pray for me! : )
Oh my goodness. Bless your heart... this has not been your week. Hope you feel better soon!! I hate waking to a sink of dirty dishes, and the DVR!! Woah. At least the Starbucks tasted good and was your relief for the week. Have a good weekend, and hopefully next week will be much better!!
I hope that you're feeling better!
I've had so much Starbucks this week too. WAY too much. I don't even want to know how much money I spend at Starbucks.
I swear they've survived the economic recession because of me.
I would have jumped out of my one-story window if I deleted everything on my DVR. That makes me sick to my tummy for you.
I too have a confession. I ate/drank horrible this week. Cookies (as in plural), Mexican food on Tuesday, beer on Wed, fried food on Thursday, Olive Garden for lunch today, lots of chips and guacamole tonight and way too many 6 point beers down here in Tejas. Whew! I feel way better. Thanks.
I would have jumped out of my one-story window if I deleted everything on my DVR. That makes me sick to my tummy for you.
I too have a confession. I ate/drank horrible this week. Cookies (as in plural), Mexican food on Tuesday, beer on Wed, fried food on Thursday, Olive Garden for lunch today, lots of chips and guacamole tonight and way too many 6 point beers down here in Tejas. Whew! I feel way better. Thanks.
Girl...you did have a crazy week! I hope your feeling better...get plenty of REST this weekend...Julie
I hope you start feeling better soon. I tend to believe that Starbucks cures everything... LOL! I haven't been having a good week either. I can cry at the drop of a hat. UGH....!!!!
oh my, I sure hope next week will go better!
thanks to you, i had to try the apple chai. yummy!
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