If you read my post from yesterday, then you know that I went to the NKOTB concert. I think that's pretty much a confession in itself. I love the comments everybody left..."a blast from the past!", "are you serious?", "they're still around?"and "who even knew they were still having concerts." YES, it was a blast from the past and it was A-mazing! YES, I'm totally serious and I would go again tonight if given the chance! YES, they're still around and doing a tour with a brand new album! YES, I screamed. YES, I sang every song as loud as I could. I may have even shed a tear. ☺ And YES, I felt 12 all over again and thought perhaps Joey and I still have a chance. ☺

I have taken quite a bit of flak for going to the concert and sporting the shirt the next day.

I don't know about you guys, but I am uber excited about next week's release of TWILIGHT!!! Woohoo!! I've heard there is a "Midnight Sun-ish" deleted scene on some of the DVDs that have "extras"! I've got to get my hands on that DVD! Oh how sweet it will be to have Edward at my fingertips. shhhh...don't tell anybody, but I have a copy of it already, (I know, right?) but it's JUST the movie, no extras...so, I'm still way excited for the release!
I haven't cooked dinner ALL week. Michael has been on vacay, so it's been laid back at our house this week...a lot of salads and sandwiches.
Do you have anything to confess this week? Go ahead...confess...you know me, I'm listening. ☺
Happy Friday!
9 comments...I love comments:
Glad you had fun. I've never been into them & they're from Boston.
Have to confess- we would love to port a NKOTB concert tee!!
kari & kijsa
JennyKate, I did receive your awesome giveaway this past week. I apologize for not letting you know earlier. It has been a wee bit scattered inside my brain lately.
I was totally WOWed and couldn't get over your uber-generosity! :o)
i can't believe you got to go to the NKOTB concert. how awesome! and I love that you wore the shirt to work!
Who are these people who question whether NKOTB are still around? Hello! And, I feel strongly that it also goes without saying that you and Joey still totally have a chance. I don't see a ring on his finger, do you? He has obviously been saving himself for you. :)
Glad you had fun at the concert. Confession... hmmm.... I slept until 1:00 PM on Saturday. It felt really bad. :(
Am I going to have to take you down for flirting with my man, Joey? OH I WILL. He rocks my world, ok?
i'm so jealous! did you throw panties at Jordan?! i always dreamed of doing that -- an inappropriate dream for a 9 year-old!
You are too funny! So glad that you had a blast!
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