For those of you who don't know...I ♥ NKOTB...like love love love them. Not just the fab five from 1985, which I did LOVE them then too...but I mean I CURRENTLY LOVE NKOTB. I'm kind of a "groupie", if you will. My cousin, Renee, and I went to the concert here in Tulsa a few months back and we have tickets for the Full Service Tour in Dallas! WOOT! I follow all of them on Twitter and I often lay in bed at night and catch up with their tweets...it makes me feel close to them. :) LOL I tweet them back sometimes, but they never reply...I don't know why...but I know they read it (ok, so probably not b/c my tweet probably gets lost in a sea of a million tweets...but a girl can hope).
My friend Xazmin at This is the Year has been doing a countdown on her blog. She'll be seeing the boys in concert in Vegas just a few days before I will see them in Dallas. As part of her countdown, she's been posting NKOTB (HOTT HOTT HOTTNESS) videos each Friday. I told her I would join in this Friday. She has a FABULOUS one posted today...you should go check it out! So, today as part of my Friday Confessions, I would like you to check out this...
I have a good confession, one that doesn't put me on the "crazy list"...I've lost 14 pounds since the beginning of March! YAY! I started back to Weight Watchers this week and I think I'm going to start doing a Weight Watchers blog on Wednesdays (you know because of the whole 'W' thing...i'm weird...plus, that's my weigh-in day). Anybody else do Weight Watchers?
Michael thinks that I hide his work shorts. He works for Fed-Ex (delivering the purple promise) and I'm sure most of you are familiar with the standard navy shorts w/ the navy and purple shirts. Apparently, he thinks that when I finish the laundry I have a secret stash for his work shorts...yeah, because that's what I do...I hide clean laundry...that's how I roll. Psshh! Whateve! (now, I may hide dirty laundry, but not clean laundry) This morning he said he could only find ONE pair of clean work shorts...and accused me of hiding the others. ALL of the laundry in our house is washed, dried, folded, and put away (not in secret stashes)...if it were not, I would tell you. This is Friday Confessions!
Hope everyone is having a FABULOUS Friday!! Enjoy your weekend!
12 comments...I love comments:
My hubby also thinks that I hide his work shirts. What in the world?! Unlike you all of our laundry is not clean, folded, nor put away. That's just how I roll.
Have a great weekend!
Congratulations on the weight loss!
Hubba Hubba! That is one of my FAVES! Love that video and that song! Esp. Joey...love the part he sings!
You should totally join in Extreme Makeover:Me Edition on Wednesdays! Lots of people doing it are doing Weight Watchers!
You Rock!
oooh. Like that song! :-) I'd love to see them in concert but I would hate to have to do that alone.
Congrats on the weight loss. You are my hero! :-)
Look at you losing the weight! Sweet. I really need to get inspired by all of you losing the pounds. And that is too funny about your husband and his short. Where do they go?
Well, maybe I am just a little crazy too b/c I accuse my hubby of hiding my clean clothes too!! It always ends up that I have put them in the wrong place and can't find them when I need them, but I feel so much netter accusing hubby!!
So come on, give the poor man his shorts back!!!
Oh how I love them!!! Donnie and I are together ya know?!?:-) Yummy video!
Congrats on the weight loss!
Ha! My hubby accuses me of hiding everything! Boys are so funny :)
Congrats on the weight loss!! Outstanding. Very hard work!!
My friday confession - I forgot my kids swim meet!! They both got in trouble for not showing up!!!! Not really their fault.
CONGRATS on the weight loss! Terrific! I'm laughing at the secret laundry stash - as if you don't have better things to do (like stalking Rob online lol!) Thanks for posting the NM trailer :)
I will not comment on the NKOTB stuff, but you knew I wouldn't.
However, the missing shorts.... What is it with these dorks we've married? Mine thought I threw a pair of his dark, navy blue shorts away. He went out and bought 2 identical pairs (a replacement and a spare). He showed me the 2 pairs and issued me a warning. I went directly to his drawer and came back with the "missing" shorts.
Dark blue shorts against an dark brown drawer. The old guy is goin' blind... he couldn't see them.
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