The Texas Darlings is hosting...are you ready for this...A FLIP FLOP EXCHANGE! How fun is this?! Well, I'll tell you how fun...TOTALLY fun. You must join in. It's a win win...you send someone a pair of flip flops and a memento from your state (put a huge smile on their face) and you get a pair of flip flops and a memento from their state in return!!! I love swaps...and I LOVE flip flops. This makes me very happy.
4 comments...I love comments:
Yay, I am so glad you joined the flip flop exchange :) and that you've done a few in the past and you haven't been killed :) Maybe we'll even get paired up, that would be fun! :)
Thanks for the link!!!!
I am so excited!
I'm so excited about this too! I can't wait til it starts.
Sounds fun!
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