So, IT's FRIDAY!! Woot woot! This is better than any Friday I've had in a LOOOOONNNNGGG time. 'Why' you might ask. Well, I'll tell you...in my confessions.
- Melissa (The Crazy Daisy) and her sister, Michelle, are flying HERE...TODAY...TO SEE ME!!! It's uber exciting. I don't even think exciting is the right word. I'm about to pee my pants. I can't wait.
- Tonight, I'm getting some new ink. No, not like a printer cartridge or a fancy shmancy pen...a tattoo! I'm almost as excited about this as I am my visitors. Seriously, how much excitement can a girl take in one day?!
- To make things EVEN better, my cousin, Renee (My Glimpse of Life) is coming up this weekend too to play with us...see, I'm telling you...I might pee my pants. She's meeting me here at my work in less that 2 hours! Then, we're driving to the airport to pick up Melissa and Michelle! It's ridiculous to be this excited. I can't help it.
- I stayed up until 3:00 am. It was like Christmas Eve and wondering what Santa was going to bring...except I already knew. I can't explain it, but it kept me awake.
Monday I'll give you all full details and pics of the weekend...well, most of it. You know the saying..."what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"? Well, that applies to Tulsa too. ;)
Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend!!!
13 comments...I love comments:
Have an awesome weekend! ♥ HUGS ♥
JennyKate...I hope you have a fab weekend. Fun time with friends just can't be beat.
A new tattoo?!? How exciting! What are you going to get?
Have a great weekend! :-) And takes pics of the tat...we want to see it!
Maybe you could get a tattoo of some Depends or a Biore strip...?
Because if you leave those strips on too long, they practically tattoo themselves to your foreheard.
I thought I'd remind you that tattoos are permanent and you will still have them when you are wearing Depends. (However, with all this pants peeing, that may be sooner than we think...)
Have an awesome weekend! :)
Have fun!
Have a great GIRL weekend. Take lots and lots of pictures! Julie
Have a great weekend!!
Enjoyed reading your blog today. I am still finding my way around blogland....I always love making new friends..I am posting about Disney so hope you will stop by. Commenting automatically puts you in the drawing for the June giveaway.
Have fun with the girls! :)
I hope you have a great time!
I saw it and I LOVE it! I hope you made it thru the night without peeing your pants though.... : ).
whatd u get for ur tattoo!!!! i loveeee tattoosssQ!!!! can u post a picture?
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