I'll start with the weekend. My aunt and uncle have been in the process of turning an old historical home into a bed and breakfast and a tea room. (More pictures to come...I'm actually going to start a blog for the bed and breakfast. I'll keep you posted.)

Over the weekend, I helped them with an open house. We even had a little craft fair indoors to help draw in people. Here's a few of the banners I made to sell.

I only sold 2. Not good, but it was still fun. I'm thinking about maybe opening an Etsy store and putting them on there to see if they sell. I have so much fun making them, so it would be fun to actually sell some. Plus, I spend so much time (and money) on Etsy anyway...might as well try to sell a few things while I'm there (although all my profits would probably be used toward new purchases ☺).
Also, I want to give Andrea over at My Chihuahua Bites a shout out for posting the awesome Cobbler recipe last week on Tuesdays At The Table! I made that the yummiest blueberry cobbler last night! Thanks, Andrea! (For the recipe click HERE)

I need to fulfill a tag from my friend Shilo over at My Place of Peace. She tagged me to tell you about my purse! Y'all know how I love purses, so I happily obliged.
1) Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you cannot go up to your closet and pull out that cute little purse you used back before you had kids. I want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house.

**This is the purse I'm carrying today...just snapped a pic of it w/ my phone. It's a chocolate brown Coach purse (It's the Ergo Hobo style purse from last year). I love it because Michael bought it for me for Christmas last year and I ♥ chocolate brown. It has just a girl's basic essentials inside...purse-size perfume (Light Blue by D&G), hand sanitizer wipes, Tylenol, lip gloss, iPhone ear buds, eyeglass case, my camera, and matching wallet.
2) I want to know how much it cost☺ And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I’d love to hear it.
**Since it was a gift I don't know for sure, but since I'm kinda a Coach fanatic I can take a guess...$298ish. Don't look at me like that! I take really good care of it and probably only get a new one once a year (or twice) Gosh.
3. Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you’re showing everyone your purse.
**If you're reading this and haven't been tagged for this particular tag...consider yourself TAGGED!
One last thing before I go, I need some feedback on what kind of photo editing software I should buy. Tell me what you have and why you love it!
Hope everyone is having a fantastic week!
17 comments...I love comments:
Hope you're having a great week.
Before you BUY any, you might give a couple of free ones a try:
Picassa is what I use. It's a free download. It's VERY fast at retrieving photos from your camera/card. Very user-friendly. It doesn't have tons of features, but it does everything I need it to.
Also, take a look at picnik.com There is a free version and also a yearly subscription you can purchase for $24.99 with more features.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Sorry Jenny, it's Picasa--with one S, not two.
I WANT A BANNER!!! Make me one that says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and make it all vintagey....I'll buy it!!!
I just use Picasa. It is easy to use (which is important for me) and free! I can crop and resize pics for my Etsy store very quickly.
And YES! Open an Etsy store! That is also easy and quick. :-)
Your banners are very pretty! You do a great job.
Loved the purse tag... I'll definitely have to do this one.
I do not have a photo editing software but a friend of mine uses the Picasa and she really likes it. I have also heard that Photoshop is good too but not free.
Miss Jennykate those banners are so beautiful, I think you would do great on etsy with them they are so pretty I love the kiss and the me & you...beautiful..
Your banners are BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the tag I will have to consider myself tagged! I am excited about that!
I have photoshop but I have downloaded it on my lap top/desk top in a while, my husband likes to reformat the PC's alot soooo...
oh and by the way, love the purse! :)
Your banners are gorgeous!!!! I so wish I was crafty like you!!!!!
BTW, is that PRINCE I hear on your player! Girl, I just discovered him and I am like WOW over his music!! Love it and YOU!!
I just LOVE your banners. How pretty are they! If you open a store let me know! Hug a bug!
I can't believe you watch True Beauty too!!! That's hilarious! Bad news though. My DVR didn't record the last 5 min so I have no idea who got booted off! UGH!
I'm still laughing at Mistee's comment..but not in a bad way Mistee, ok? I'm just thinking that she must be really young or from another country if she's just now discovering Prince! (Which btw makes me dance in my computer chair when I click on to your page!!)
Love the banners and I'm way jealous that you're one of those "crafty people".
I ♥ that purse too! I don't splurge very often on a new Coach but I love them dearly!!
Okay....I'm scared to ask this question but I've seen so many people talk about Etsy. WTH is it? You got me started on twitter and more addicted to blogging and I'm almost certain that I don't want to know about Etsy but I'll just try not to get hooked. Is it a place to buy and sell stuff?
those banners look awesome !! I love you...cant wait to see more pics of the bed and bkfast!
LOVE the banners! You did a great job. And the cobbler looks fantastic.
I've been looking for a good photo editing software, as well. I just don't know if I would have the time to play with it much right now... LOL.
Okay, first off, you know I LOVE your Coach purse! I've ask for one for Valentines and my birthday...we'll see!! And YES! You should open an Esty store! Your banners are adorable!! If I had more time to devote to my bows and tutu's I'd be right along side of you!! lol!!
Miss you girl!
Your banners are so so so cute! Your blog on my list is not updating...I wonder why??!!
Have a great week too!
-sandy toe
love your purse girl! thanks for the shout out. i'm glad it was yummy for you! such an easy recipe, right?
Andrea's cobbler recipe looked so yummy! Maybe I should make it too.
Love your crafts!
Andrea's cobbler recipe looked so yummy! Maybe I should make it too.
Love your crafts!
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