However, now that I'm here, I'm not sure what to say.
I told Skillz (Impulsive Addict to you) yesterday that I don't feel like my life is exciting...not very "blog worthy".
I remember a day when everything felt bloggable. I would think to myself 3 or 4 times a day "ooooooo, I am SO blogging that" *valley girl JK* or "consider yourself blogged, fool" *gangsta JK*
I guess, if this is what I (we all) say it is...a journal of our lives, reflecting on daily activities, and bringing whatever we can to the proverbial "table"...then, I should just be able to sit down on any given day and spew out whatever is swimming around in my brain and call it a blog, right?
Soooooooo....yeah, I got nothin.
Suppose it might take a while to get back in the groove.
In the mean time, wanna see some iPhonography from the past 4 months. It'll give you an idea of what I've been up to while I wasn't here.
Breaking Dawn Part 1 - Midnight showing with Jiff and Impulsive Addict!
I just might have solidified my spot as "Mom of The Year" if I had let those go out in the mail to 21 seven and eight year olds. Dang it. What was I thinking going with the store bought invites?
*end of iPhonography*
Christmas 2011 at ma crib.
One of my favorite pictures that I took over the holidays.A fun day in January just playing around town with my camera, and three of my favorite people...Hannah, Caleb and Isaiah.
In other news...
I'm addicted to Pinterest. Find me. We'll pin some crap. It'll be fun.
I'm trying to lose my FA (that's Spanish for fat ass...say it...out loud..."effay"...sounds Spanish right?). If you use the My Fitness Pal app, look me up...jennykate77.
"Curly hair, curly thoughts." <---read this in a book and thought it suits me.

14 comments...I love comments:
You kill me!! You have not lost your touch, I swear.
LOVE the picture that Isaiah wanted on his invitation...reminds me of a picture Kolton drew...I should post about that. See, it's SO bloggable.
Valley Girl, Mims.
Hey, just posting is a step in the right direction.
I only post as often as I do because I do memes--although in my defense the meme's I have chosen are pretty open ended, just a theme to get me thinking.
Love the pictures of the kids. Those are great.
And this is a perfect example of why I missed you so much - seriously, I saw that you posted and hightailed it over here as fast as I could to see what you had written - you just simply make me smile.
Just blog about whatever - you can make it funny and sound good -
And this is a perfect example of why I missed you so much - seriously, I saw that you posted and hightailed it over here as fast as I could to see what you had written - you just simply make me smile.
Just blog about whatever - you can make it funny and sound good -
I have been the very same way about blogging! Like nothing is blog-worthy! Well said! Hang in there, we'll get back in the swing of things. :)
i have so missed your bloggy goodness. i am glad we are FB friends or i would feel TOTALLY out of the loop.
love all of the pics, you have LIVING life, it is all good and all blog worthy.
JENNY KATE! I missed you. I am glad you are back. Blogger needs you. I need you : ) Coming to find you at Pinterest right this second!
Quit guilting yourself! You'll be back in the swing of things in no time.
Love all of the pics!
I love all of those pictures!
This is a cute post. I have this huge backlog of things I want to blog about, but it never fails that about once a week I find myself staring at my computer resentfully thinking, I have NOTHING to say.
Loved the pics. REALLY loved the invitation. That would have been awesome.
I'm also addicted to Pinterest. My name on there is CheapWine42 if we're not already friends. Imagine my chagrin when I found out yesterday that they have blocked it at work. :-(
I LOVE that you blogged again. This is really positive start. You can pretty much blog about poo and make it fun and interesting. <---no lie. I bet you could.
I think this is the first time I am seeing you as a fork fairy. How did that happen? I missed it on fb?
I love that I was included in the iphoneography. Fab time had by all!!
Um, so Isaiah likes to draw penises (is plural supposed to be peni?) on his pics. I'm sure that's totally normal.
Those 2 kids that are kissing look 14. I'm sure they are way older but it makes me feel old for feeling like they look 14.
WAIT. STOP THE PRESS. Are we friends on pinterest???? I need to double check asap.
20 something days until our next GNO but remember--we're gonna cheat a little bit. YAAAAY!!!
Is it weird that I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I see a new post from you come up on my sidebar? Well I do! Please keep sharing your nonsense with us because it makes me laugh every single time!
Haha, I love you Jenny. Look at you. 2 posts back and you're already doubling the amount of comments I get on an average blog posts.
And I make the rounds DAILY!
Face it sista, you are just one hilarious, lovable chick.
p.s. I still have a hard time coming up with blogable crap after my hiatus.
Girl I love the crazy eyes you get whenever you're photographed with something Twilight.
Your house looked gorgeous over the holidays!
I'll find you on pinterest. That place is too much fun.
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