I love you like a pimp loves hos.
I love you like LiLo loves getting kicked out of rehab.
I love you like Snoop Dogg loves gin...and juice.
I love you like Ryan Gosling loves saying "hey, girl."
Yep, I love you guys that much.
Just wanted to say "thank you" for all of your sweet compliments and encouragement to my Weight Loss post last week! You guys are awesome!! It definitely gave me some much needed motivation. I haven't had a weight loss since the day before I posted that and felt discouraged all last week, but every time I did, I just looked back at some of your comments and kept going. So, THANK YOU!!!
So, it's V-Day! Do you have any sugary romantic adventures planned? I think it's a hyped-up-over-commercialized holiday. BUT I'm not opposed to a little romance. I just think it's important to tell those that you love that you love them every day. We shouldn't reserve it for one day out of the year.
Side note: Just for the record (Michael, this is where you should really pay attention), if there is not at least a card waiting for me when I get home, do not and I mean, do NOT, ask me "how you doin'" and look at me like you're going to rock my world...'cause it's not happening.
WHAT?! I'm still a girl. I have needs and feelings.
Be sure to tell someone you love them today!
Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you all have a love-filled day!
Stop by and link up with my girls, Impulsive and Shawn for TTUT!

12 comments...I love comments:
You. Are. Adorable.
Happy Valentine's day! :)
Awwww....I love my slushy Slush. I hope Michael pulls through for you. I hate the idea of him (and you) not scoring tonight on such a romantic day!
Thanks for linking up with us. We love you like Christina loves to show everyone her boobs on the Voice! ;-)
Ps. Don't get discouraged on the weight loss. Your body has changed so much. It needs a small break!
And I love you like a stripper loves a shinny silver pole!
I fell off the diet wagon and feel like a slug now. Tomorrow's a new day right?
Thanks for linking up with us, that's the power of love right there!
lol! I love you like a preggo girl loves rainbow chip frosting. Which in my case is a whole hell of a lot! :-)
Aww I hope you get a card. Match didn't get me one, but he did take me to breakfast and for a nature walk. So I figure he gets some points. He did lose his wedding ring though. POOO!
I love you. period.
Happy Valentine's Day!
I love you more than Becca loves cupcakes.
So far....I've gotten a big fat NOTHING for Valentine's Day.
Love you more than a fat kid loves cake!
Hope you have opened a card that tells you how wonderful you are by now!
You crack me up! And I hope Michael was paying attention. ;)
Happy Valentine's Day! :)
Valentine’s Day, (Possible) Near-Sighted Princess, The End of a Crappy Schedule
oh how i have missed your bloggy goodness. seriously i just adore you.
i hope your V-Day was amazing and lived up to your girly expectations.
It is a made up holiday!
LOVE you!
I think Vday is over-hyped too.
I agree...love is for every day!!
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