Don't count me absent...I'm here! Sorry for the MIA status. The past week and a half has been busy, but nothing more than that. No drama to report here. Nothing exciting. There have been no catastrophes. I didn't over use the Biore strips. I didn't over dose on coffee. Edward didn't come and carry me away in his shiney volvo. I didn't run away. Yes, I'm still blogging. No, I didn't forget about you. I wish I had something more thrilling to tell you...
Oh, well there are a couple of little things I've been meaning to blog about.
My bloggiversary is coming up on May 29th. I can't believe it's almost been a whole year since I started blogging...then on the other hand I feel like I've been doing this forever. None the less, I would like to celebrate!! I thought about a giveaway, but that wasn't exactly what I wanted. I've been mulling it over for a week or so and it finally came to me the other night while laying in bed. (Most of my great thoughts come to me while laying in bed or while sitting in the bathroom.) I would like to use this opportunity to draw attention to something that is near and dear to my heart. Something I've spent a lot of hours supporting and raising money for. Something I feel we all should support. So, I'm going to give you a chance to make a difference. The 'something' I'm talking about is Relay For Life. If you don't know what Relay For Life is, where have you been? Just kidding. It is an organization that raises money and awareness for the American Cancer Society. The yearly relays celebrate those who have survived cancer, remember those who have lost the battle, and helps to fight back against this terrible disease. I know for a fact that we have all been affected by this disease in one way or another. Maybe you are a survivor yourself. Maybe a loved one is currently fighting this disease. Maybe you hold dear the memory of someone who has passed away due to this disease. Whatever your connection, you know that this is a senseless disease that MUST BE STOPPED. So, for my bloggiversary, I would like to donate $1 for every person who comments on this post. I always participate in my local RFL, and I plan on doing so this year, but the money that I donate from this post will go to Melissa (The Crazy Daisy/my bff). She is the biggest advocate for RFL and ACS that I know. She inspires me to do more. To read more about her passion for this cause go HERE. (but don't click over before you comment) On Melissa's page, she also has a link where YOU can donate if you would like. Just remember that no amount is too small. Every little bit helps. This post will be open for comments for donations until June 15th. The first 25 people (maybe more) who comment on this post will also receive in the mail (free of cost) a token of my appreciation for taking the time to comment for such a worthy cause. Tell your friends! I don't have a limit on the comments. If I need to, I'm prepared to call in backup ("MOM!").
Oh, well there are a couple of little things I've been meaning to blog about.
My bloggiversary is coming up on May 29th. I can't believe it's almost been a whole year since I started blogging...then on the other hand I feel like I've been doing this forever. None the less, I would like to celebrate!! I thought about a giveaway, but that wasn't exactly what I wanted. I've been mulling it over for a week or so and it finally came to me the other night while laying in bed. (Most of my great thoughts come to me while laying in bed or while sitting in the bathroom.) I would like to use this opportunity to draw attention to something that is near and dear to my heart. Something I've spent a lot of hours supporting and raising money for. Something I feel we all should support. So, I'm going to give you a chance to make a difference. The 'something' I'm talking about is Relay For Life. If you don't know what Relay For Life is, where have you been? Just kidding. It is an organization that raises money and awareness for the American Cancer Society. The yearly relays celebrate those who have survived cancer, remember those who have lost the battle, and helps to fight back against this terrible disease. I know for a fact that we have all been affected by this disease in one way or another. Maybe you are a survivor yourself. Maybe a loved one is currently fighting this disease. Maybe you hold dear the memory of someone who has passed away due to this disease. Whatever your connection, you know that this is a senseless disease that MUST BE STOPPED. So, for my bloggiversary, I would like to donate $1 for every person who comments on this post. I always participate in my local RFL, and I plan on doing so this year, but the money that I donate from this post will go to Melissa (The Crazy Daisy/my bff). She is the biggest advocate for RFL and ACS that I know. She inspires me to do more. To read more about her passion for this cause go HERE. (but don't click over before you comment) On Melissa's page, she also has a link where YOU can donate if you would like. Just remember that no amount is too small. Every little bit helps. This post will be open for comments for donations until June 15th. The first 25 people (maybe more) who comment on this post will also receive in the mail (free of cost) a token of my appreciation for taking the time to comment for such a worthy cause. Tell your friends! I don't have a limit on the comments. If I need to, I'm prepared to call in backup ("MOM!").

Have a wonderful Wednesday and don't forget to comment (and tell your friends)!
p.s. I promise I'll be making my rounds to all of your wonderful blogs asap. I've missed you guys and have a lot of catching up to do!
28 comments...I love comments:
What a lovely idea, Jenny! Congrats on one year! I hope you enjoy the second even more than the first!
Many blessings,
It's a lovely thing for you to do.
Congrats on a year. Keep on writing, lady. It's been a pleasure to get to know you! :-)
You should post pictures of our "How the Breast was Won"!!! I don't know if I can find any 'bout you?
I check your blog everyday, but nothing new...I was starting to worry! Glad you're back!
I think what you've decide to do for your blogiversary in awesome. Congrats on one year of blogging. I didn't even make it close to that!
Congratulations on your bloggiversary. I love the idea of your Comments for a Cause: )
Hi Jenny,
I think this is a lovely way to celebrate your blogiversary!
I'm glad to see you are back, I was starting to get concerned!
Take care and congrats on 1 year!
What a great way to celebrate. It has been a while since you blogged. Doesn't it feel good to be back?!
What a wonderful bloggiversary party! I love it! I have lost too many people to this horrible disease. Count me in.
I'll go check out the site and get involved!
I'm glad you're were missed!
Way to go on the Relay for Life! I think that is a fabulous idea! Congrats on almost being a year old!
Hey Cutie! I saw your comment on Robin's blog. Will you be hosting the book club soon? I have Redeeming Love from the library right now and just started it. All I can say is WOW. What a beginning. SO sad! It is going to be quite a story. Have you read it yet?
Great idea for the Relay for Life! You are an inspiration!) Lori
If you have time...come see what my girls are doing to help with this cause!
I mentioned you in my post!
Oh, and since I'm still in the top 25, I should totally get 2 prizes! Kidding!
Mysteryhistorymom----- Redeeming Love is the best book I have ever read. Sadly, I loaned it out to a friend of a friend and never got my copy back. You will love it too I bet. JennyKate--- I have not been on this here computer much this week either. Mostly b/c we got a new Wii and I can't seem to stay off of Animal Crossing game. Boy is it fun! I am loving your Bloggiversary idea. Our little friend was diagnosed with Leukemia when she was almost 5 so RFL has been very near and dear to my heart too. My grandfather just passed away about 6 weeks ago with pancreatic cancer as well. Wow, just now typing that, tears came to my eyes. I can't believe it has been 6 weeks. You never know when the grief will hit, just like you never know when cancer will strike. It knows no age, race,or religion. Thanks for posting and keep up the good work.
Congrats on your one year bloggiversary! What a wonderful way to celebrate this milestone!
Jenny what a fabulous idea! RFL really means something more to me this year...recovering from colon cancer surgery and chemo...last treatment was May 8th. Everything looks really good. And the year before my daughter, Julie, had throat cancer, took radiation and chemo and is cancer free now. New cancer research is essential for all of us. Hope you have a 1,000 comments. :-)
You are SUCH a giver! So, I was at Chick Fil A yesterday and they had a jar for Relay for Life. It just made my day! I learned about it from another blogger, Rich. I think he is from Arkansas too. You are from there, right? I forget. But the one thing I don't forget is how COOL you are : ).
Congrats on your bloggiversary! What an awesome, inspiring thing to do!! I love it Jenny Kate!
You are awesome!
This is a great cause. Stopping by from In this year.
I'm blog hopping and I saw your page so I'm hangin' out and gettin' to know ya.
This idea is absolutely wonderful. I lost a DEAR friend in March to breast cancer. She fought so hard. Thought she had it beat, and found out it moved into her lung. Yes, lung, she only had one. And it took about 6 weeks to completely overwhelm her body. Never her spirit. Wow, thinking about this makes me want to cry!
Anyway, GREAT idea. Thank you!
I simply love what you're doing!! My family are heavily into fighting against cancer as well. I'll be hanging around getting to know you from now on if it's ok with you. :)
The Survivor Lap always has me in a big puddle of tears.
Thanks for supporting a great cause!
LOVIE....Thank you SOOOO much!! You are the bestest friend a girl could EVER have!! I love you so very much..I CANNOT WAIT too see you in 2 weeks!! love you
Jenny you are such an amazing person with such a caring, giving heart! One of the many reasons why I love you so much!!
This is fabulous! What a great way to mark your anniversary. Please email me about this post.
I would love to contribute! Relay for Life holds a big piece of my heart. Best of luck with fundraising.
What a GREAT Idea!! I love this in celebration for your "blogoversary!"
Take care. Glad you are back.
What an awesome idea, and for such a great cause! Congrats on your 1 year blogging anniversary! :)
This is awesome Jenny, great idea and great purpose!!!
Jenny, you never cease to amaze me. You are awesome. I am blessed to have the opportunity to say I know you and that you are my friend!
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