Today's Topic: Name 5 toys that remind you of your childhood.
I was a Barbie girl, living in a Barbie world. For me, Barbie and the Rockers were the coolest. I loved them...sang their songs, dressed up like them for Halloween, and watched the mini-series.

Who didn't love the sweet smell of Strawberry Shortcake and her friends? I loved her so much that she adorned my bedroom for a decade!
Do you remember this one? Simon.
This was one of the most fun toys I ever had. My mom ended up buying 3 of these things. One broke or wore out, one was stolen from our car at the mall (it was devastating), and one is probably still in my mom and dad's attic.
I wish I still had one of these. Pogo Balls rock!
Annie was another all-time favorite. Favorite doll. Favorite movie. Annie was the first movie I ever saw at a theater. I asked my mom if I could change my name to Annie...well, Annie or Butterfly. It's still one of my favorite movies and I'm wanting to see the musical in the WORST way! This was so much fun!!
Hope everyone has a marvelous Monday!
24 comments...I love comments:
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I loved Pong! My parents plugged that game into a 5 inch tiny TV in the back of our conversion van, and we would drive all over the country during the summer. Good times!
I have many an hour logged playing my Simon game!
Strawberry Shortcake smelled so good! One of the best smells ever, for sure! :o)
Pogo balls were fun, but I must have had horrible balance because I could never stay on mine!
Have a fabulous week!
Yup, I remember Simon. It made my list too :) Have a great week.
I never had a Pogo Ball. I was a Hoppity Hop girl.
I had forgotten all about Simon but I loved that toy.
Hey JennyKate! I loved to play it at my cousin's house. Loved Strawberry shortcake! Still do...only I love to eat mine now! Ha!
Great List...oh and Annie...loved it!
Have a fab day!
I totally forgot all about Barbie & the Rockers, but as soon as I watched that clip, it all came back to me....I even remembered the theme song!! Yikes!! Did you watch Jem too??
Have a super week!
Wow, I had forgotten about Pogo Balls. Those were the coolest :)
I loved all these toys too! Barbie and the Rockers were the best group ever! Followed closely by Jem and the Holograms...memba' them?
I used to go around singin "Tomorrow" from Annie all the time! Trust wasn't pleasant for anyone around!
I love Strawberry Shortcake...and Annie is such a classic! GREAT toys!
good list...i remember having the barbie and the rocker's van...and how they came with tapes...i believe one single was Danglin' Earrings...yeah...we were cool...
I loved Strawberry Shortcake! She always smelled so good!
I loved my pogo ball! Wish I still had it, though I would wet my pants if I tried it now!:-)
Love your favorite toys list. I used to smell Strawberry Shortcake's hair over and over. Basically, I just kept her by my nose. :)
Did the whole Barbie thing for a while....had Strawberry Shortcake as my room decor for a while and MAN..I wish I could bounce around on that pogo ball again! What a nice workout for my legs!
I could never jump on that ball toy! But I did love a sit and spin...remember those?
I don't remember Barbie & the rockers, but I remember everything else.
Simon was my favorite (and probably my moms, too)! It could keep us occupied for hours. : )
Oh man! Barbie & The Rockers remind me of Gem & The Holograms!
Wonder if that's on DVD yet? :)
Cute blog! See you next FMM!
Lins @
Simon! Who didn't love that game?! That was one of those I had forgotten about.
Okay are you 30? I love the pogo ball that was a personal favorite. I had a green and purple one. I had all those strawberry shortcakes on my dresser, I loved the smell.
Barbie and the Rockers was almost on my list too! She wasn't my first barbie (as I had a sister who was 11 years older than me, and I got all of her hand-me-down Barbies ;), but oh how I loved her! :)
I loved Strawberry Shortcake! We didn't have her but I always loved her!
I love your songs today!
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