It is Friday. I have confessions. Therefore, let's proceed to Friday Confessions.
- I'm starting this Friday Confessions post in the wee hours of Friday morning. I can not sleep! I've been to bed 3 times and Mr. Sandman has not found me yet. I can't stand to just lay in bed wide awake...drives me nuts-O. So, what better thing to do at 1:00 am in the morning than use Biore strips. You know, when I was a teenager, I never had bad skin...EVER. God was saving it for my 30's. I know He has a purpose for everything, but I plan on having a talk with him right after I finish this blog post, because I'm not seeing the purpose in this. My face looks like a pimple land mine. It's like the face of a teenager going through puberty. Anyway, so I put some Biore strips on my nose and forehead, but I'm thinking about going back in the bathroom and covering my whole face with them. I'm desperate. Wanna see a pic? I just snapped it with my phone.
Is there something wrong with wearing a snowman nightgown in May? I should wear my hair like that to work. It's hott.
- I think what lured me out of bed was the insatiable desire to check on my crops. I'm a farmer now...well, virtually. Anybody else play Farm Town on Crackbook...er, I mean Facebook? Holy moley, this game is so addicting...it's straight gangsta mack. I have no idea what that means, but Digital Underground says it. You guys know how I am about going overboard. I have issues. I know. My therapist is on speed dial. Anyhoo, if you don't play, you should. It's crazy fun. You plow fields, plant crops, grow crops, harvest crops...you get the idea. I've been having dreams at night about planting potatoes and sometimes it's more of a nightmare than a dream, because I dream that my crops go to waste...that's the worst! I'm thinking of getting me a pair of overalls and putting my hair up into pigtails. I'm serious. Look how cute my virtual JennyKate farmer is...
- See, the dealio is that I "accidentally" planted some crops at 9:30 PM and they were crops that need to be harvest in 4 hours. Well, any person who does good math, knows that equates to crops ready to be harvested at 1:30 AM...note time on computer. To be a good farmer, you can't let your crops go to waste, even if that means sacrificing a few hours of beauty sleep.
Speaking of beauty, hold on a sec. I sorta forgot about my Biore strips...
Ok, so this could potentially be a problem. I'm pretty sure Biore strips are only supposed to be left on for 10 to 15 minutes. Seems as though I left mine on approximately 45 minutes passed the 'suggested' time.
Notice the nice little red splotch on the center of my forehead...in the shape of a Biore strip.
Hope that fades by morning...well, later THIS morning.
- You guys don't even know this, but I took about a 4 hour blogging break and completed about 50 Know-It-All Quizes on Facebook. See, I have issues. Nothing in moderation. I learned a few things about myself. I'm not smarter than a 4th, 5th, or 6th grader. I would just barely pass to get my US citizenship. My high school spanish class did NOT stick with me. I'm a fantastic speller. I know my 80's tv shows. I'm proficient on all Twilight quizzes. I know more about chemistry than I do about our US Presidents. I'm about 50/50 on geography and capitals. I kicked booty in NBA Nicknames and College Mascot quizzes. I got 8/11 right on the Starbucks quiz...I'm convinced the three I missed were a miss with the mouse.
- It's 6:00 in the morning and I've had no sleep.
Hold on another sec while I yell at Michael to turn the alarm off.
Hope everyone has a happy Friday!
36 comments...I love comments:
Okay, crazy lady...you need to stop drinking caffeine at about 12pm. :-) You crack me up. And now I've become addicted to Farm Town.
I've had these nights!
This post cracked me up. I never knew that sweet ol' JennyKate was addicted to Crackbook! I think they have clinics that can help with that :)
Poor thing! You're not sleeping...I can't think of much that's worse than that. At least you're being productive! (Yes, blogging is productive!)
oh goodness girlie! it sounds like you could have a long day today with no sleep! hope you're able to get some tonight!
OK, first, may I suggest a Xanax about 15 minutes before bedtime. (Do not drink any wine before taking it.)
Second, unplug from your fake farm and FB for just a day.
Third, email me to discuss the Biore incident in detail. Please.
Fourth, are the snowmen PJs comfy? Then who cares.
Vivienne, as always, has great advice. Follow it :-) I hope you're able to get some sleep tonight!
This is your best CONFESSION post yet!
You need to take Tylenol PM to help you get to sleep.
It helps me....Have a great weekend..Julie
oh no, oh no!
Insomnia and a Biore strip disaster!
Never knew they could do that yikes!!!
Oh, do I hate insomnia.
How did you function?!!!
Okay, I haven't read your whole post yet, so I'll be back...but I jsut wanted you to know that my 3 girls are "shakin' it" to the music on your blog! (whoomp there it is).
Okay...I soooo have 30 year old acne! I hate it! I also had good skin as a teenager...what's up with that!
I can't say that I've ever had a night as long as this. Fortunately I don't have too many problems sleeping because I'm always NEEDING it.
So, did the red splotch come off? I'm dying to know. Please don't tell me you walked around today.
You had me cracking up. I too am addicted to facebook. And what's even more funny is as I was reading your post I was setting up my Farm. One of my friends wanted me to set one up. I'm still trying to learn the ropes. So far, it's pretty fun!
You are hilarious. This stream of consciousness post made me feel like I was right there in the room with you...chatting about Biore strips, Facebook, and pajamas.
You are so relatable, my friend. I love it.
Oh my gosh Jenny Kate : ). I haven't been able to sleep well this last week either! I was up till 3 last night and then jolly Kaish woke me up at 7....for what? Who knows. And the kicker is that he was up till almost midnight and as a result of his early awakening he has been GRUMPY to the max all day! I am going to tell my daddy about that game right away because he LOVES farming. I love you because you are the cutest farmer around and I can't see even one teeny tiny zit!
I love you JennyKate. I have the weirdest skin too. For a few months it is pretty good then the zits come?? Come on already. I also get these brown spots on my face ever since I had my kids. I have to use this fade cream. I hate it.. I need a good makeup, so many seem so oily or like your wearing a mask. Let me know if these work.
So sweet momma!! You are too funny! Love the fact that we plant 4 hour plants and have to wake up at 1am to harvest them!! lol!
Adult onset acne...that's what Nic says I have...nice, I know!
I love that you're an insominac...one of these nights our 'no sleep nites' will coincide and we'll spend the evening chatting...on farm town!!
OMG, you are totally insane for staying up all night long!! Woah. Sounds like a productive night!! Haha. Hope your skin gets better. I know what it's like and it's not fun :(
JennyKate, you continue to crack me up! I think I am becoming as obsessed with Twilight as you are! I smiled when I saw your countdown to New Moon! It made me feel like maybe I wasn't sooooooo crazy!
JennyKate, you continue to crack me up! I think I am becoming as obsessed with Twilight as you are! I smiled when I saw your countdown to New Moon! It made me feel like maybe I wasn't sooooooo crazy!
I so agree that this is your best confession post EVER! Sadly this is b/c I agree with you on almost everything on here. Letting crops go to waste on Farmtown is the worst, why can't they just make some crop that is ready in like 8 or 9 hours??? 1 day seems like forever, and 4 hours requires my cell phone to wake me up at 3am. I use the Biore strips too. I put one on Clay once, and he was AMAZED. So now every once in awhile he'll tell me that he needs one too:)Get some sleep my friend!
Oh my goodness....this is a RIOT!!!! You crack me up. You do have to tell us how the face turned out after the Biore strips incident.......
Love this post- hope you got some sleep this weekend!!!
you crack me up with your biore strips. i wish they made a whole face biore strip b/c I need it!
Hope you had a great Friday and a super weekend! And...I hope you got some rest! LOL
This made me laugh. And dont feel badly... I wear pj pants that have sledding dogs on them all year round.
Hahahahahaha!!! I love you!! You are hilarious! Those pictures had me spewing my coffee!!
And, I'm not even going to try Farm Town. Honestly, I don't have time for another addiction! I'm so busy playing Bejeweled on FB that I barely remember to feed my family.
I have an addictive personality. I have to stay away from drugs or I'd be addict! So, it's best I stay far away from farming!
OMG!! Too funny! I try not to do too many of those Facebook quiz things. They get way too addicting and next thing I know, hours have passed by!
I have major issues with crackbook too. I'm currently shelling out hundreds of dollars for help at www.imaddictedtoeverything.com since my problems aren't only with fb.
Is it wrong that I'm dancing in my computer chair while typing? I'm diggin' the music..
Anyway, I love how you always crack me up! Renee and I almost texted you last night at 2:00am but she's kinda scared of you so we decided against it.
Hope your red marks from the strips are gone now since it's THURSDAY!
You are the cutest! I'm commenting late so i hope by the time you read this you've had some sleep!!!
:) LuLu
missing you this week. Glad to see your twitter and to see that the Biore incident did not lead to hospitalization or anything ")
Jenny-Kate! Where are you? We are missing you!! Come back soon!
Hey JennyK. I could never go wrong visiting you. You've always managed to get me all giggly. I also couldn't sleep this mornin'. I laid in bed for 2 hrs waiting for the sandman. He was a NO SHOW! So it was upsy daisy for me. Hey, you wanna be my friend? I'm under Michelle Pochet Chapman. You should visit me at my farm (Rancho Viejo). When you wanna take a break from the farm, come visit my blog. I've got an announcement!
Hey!!! Sorry it has taken me so long to comment on your blog! I am totally failing the commenting portion of my Swap Buddy Duties.
But I thought that I would "stop by" and say hi! And we have the poor skin as an adult (but perfect skin as a teenager) in common. I have the *best* dermatologist in the city. Seriously. And the combo of Dermalogica Clearing Skin Wash and my Benzaclyn prescription has worked wonders. Seriously, people ask me what my secret is. My derm calls me his star patient (and me being the classic overachiever thoroughly loves that!) And also, coconut. When I eat alot of coconut, my skin rocks.
Oh how I love to visit you...the music, and the laughs!!! Hope you got caught up on some sleep!:-)
Oh my sweet Jennykate! I have missed you so! I read just a few lines of your FC post and was doubled over laughing!!! I am so glad to be back and around to see whatever you are "getting yourself into" at the moment!! :0)
Wanted to say hi and hope you are having a nice week!
Hi, Where are you? Are you OK? Did you use too many Biore strips and are now stuck to your chair...?
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