

My Drive To Work...

This morning on my drive to work I was so in a daze...or was that a haze...oh yeah, silly me it was the fog...

I sort of got caught up in the beauty and decided to take a picture...going 80 on the Turnpike...LOL...

So, I kept my camera out the rest of the way to work and snapped a few more pics. I bet people passing by thought I was NUTS-O!
(notice the leaves changing color!)

A trip to work on Friday would not be complete without swingin' by my local Starbucks...

As I'm pulling out, I look down and it's 7:57...

three minutes until I'm LATE, but I don't care because I have STARBUCKS! :)

At 8:03, I finally arrive to my destination...WORK
(this is my lovely office building...I use the term "lovely" lightly...I work on the 4th floor)

But not to despair...many things to be thankful for...

1. I got LOTS of hugs and kisses from my bestest boy this morning before I left.
2. Hey, I have a job!
3. God gave me a beautiful morning to drive to work!
4. It's FRIDAY!
5. Yesterday was payday :)
6. I have STARBUCKS!
7. My sweet friends on the other side of the screen :)

2 comments...I love comments:

Lisa Marie said...

that was the best post...awesome, I love the photo of starbucks in your mirror,,,how neat-o that was,,great thought,,,fall I love fall I need to go take photos of the trees,,,love you..xoox

melissa said...

lisa took the words right outta my mouth!! I loved that post so was the best!! You are adorable!! love u