Amber over at {aefilkins} hosts Friend Making Monday. If you've never joined in, you should! Don't you like making friends? Okay, then what are you waiting for?
Today's topic: Craigslist - what have you purchased? what's the best deal you've ever got? etc.
Ok, well, I'm not a huge Craigslist-er, but I'm surrounded by them! All of my co-workers are big time Craigslist people...and freecycle and ebay...and all those other .com places. Honestly, the only thing I've ever tried to sell on Craigslist was a pair of NKOTB tickets. They didn't sell. I had to put them on eBay. So, I guess until I really "hit the big one" and walk away with some amazing thing for next to nothing, I won't be a big Craigslist person. My co-workers have got some awesome stuff like...free oriental rug, free headboard and footboard for a queen bed, a NICE black real leather couch for $100! Amber has got some pretty sweet deals too, so go check them out and all the other FMM's at {aefilkins}.
Now for a few awards...
Thank you, Macey for this Kreativ Blogger award! Man, it just totally makes my day when I get fun awards from fellow bloggers! Macey's blog, Living in France, it SUCH a fun blog. She is a HOOT! Always good for a laugh and a walk on the lighter side of life.
- Tanielle - she's always up to something "kreativ" and crafty!
- Becca - I think she's so clever for having her kiddos collect a postcard from ALL 50 states this summer!
- Vivienne - The best, most humorous story-teller EVER!
- Rebeckah - This girl is the most talented photographer! She really knows how to capture the moment...she's also a beautiful person...on the inside and out!!
- Kelli - She has a Cricut...and I'm jealous. :) I love her posts, her blog is a breath of fresh air...always doing something crafty...stamping, paper crafts...you name it!
- Carrie - What a talented girl! She is so good at turning nothing into SOMETHING! She's crafty and so great and re-doing things and giving them life again! You've got to see her little boy's nursery!
- JenJen - I LOVE hostessing and Jennifer is an amazing hostess. The parties she throws are DIVINE! I have her Twilight party from last year bookmarked in my favorites. It's like my go-to guide for planning my New Moon party. :)
Thanks to Shawn@ Seriously for this bloggy award. Her blog is such a fun read. She tells very humorous stories about her girls and hubby. She has such wit and spunk. I just lover her. She said this blog award reminded her of Twilight...imagine that my blog came to mind. Hmmm. :P

- Michelle at Tickled Pink and Fabulous - she shares my deep love for Twilight (she's even been to FORKS!) and I really do think she is FABULOUS!!
- Connie @ The Young and The Relentless - holy moley, she is HILARIOUS! I love this girl. Her Vlogs are the best!
- Xazmin (pronounced HA-z-mean...in case you were wondering) @ This is the Year - she doesn't love Twilight, but she loves Angel and Spike from Buffy...and I love her! :) (ps I'm working on converting her over to the Twilight Side.)
- Shortmama @ Family of Shorts - she is great and she's keepin' it real! I love reading her blog. Plus, she has some good meme's (you know where write a post related to a topic, copy and past a cute little button and link up...that's a meme:)
Hope everyone is having a great Monday!!
15 comments...I love comments:
OH MY GOODNESS what a nice thing to say! Thank you Jenny Kate : ). I just want to talk about boys and cell phones. Gary should not be allowed to text. He sends me the most stupid texts when I am REALLY busy and then when I don't respond he sends me more wondering what the problem is. I need to disable the text function on his phone it is so annoying. Not to get off the rainbows and puppy dog topics at all or anything...
lol I love this award! Thanks so much for such sweet words! I will get this posted up this week!
I love when my husband calls me to have me call the doctor to make his appointment. Then I have to call him back to see if that times good and then call the doctor back only to say that time won't work for him. REALLY? In that length of time he could have just done it himself. I say do it your darn self...SWEETIE!
Glad you love your award and congrats on the other one!
Thanks for this oh so fabulous Blog Award! :) You Rock, and can i just say that I am seriously starting to FREAK OUT about New Moon! I want it to start already!!! :)
I haven't ever used Craigslist but I do love ebay and etsy!!!! Congratulations on your awards!
Congrats on your awards!
Our only Craigslist buy was a bust! A washer that worked for one wash cycle! :( But I know most of the time it's great for people!
Have a great week!
Oh you poor dear. I hope tomorrow is a better one!! Have a good night's sleep. :)
Congrats on your awards! I've tried Craigslist. We do Ebay all the time. I really like it!
Well shucks...that's so sweet of you. I hope today is better...I had a day yesterday as well.
Congrats on your awards!! And thanks for giving one of them to me!! I love you too.
I'm about to try to sell a bunch of stuff on a version of Craigs List....it a free classifieds on our local TV website. No one uses Craigslist here. Weird.
I have sold and bought lots on e-bay....but never anything on craigs list....oh wait...we found our house on craigs list!!!
Thanks for the shout out! You rock!
I love stalking Craigs list just to read the personals. They ARE hilarious!
"Hey, photo lady at Rite Aid, you're hot, call me..." HAHAHHAAA!
Thanks dah-ling!
Okay, I DID enjoy reading all the Twilight books, I just, ya know, didn't get caught up in the obsession like others. And sorry, but David Boreanaz, is seriously so much hotter than Robert Pattinson...just sayin'.
I didn't do FMM...my only experience with Craigslist was to painful...you know...selling my tickets :(
Gosh! I missed this one!! An award for me?? THanks so much!!!!
Thanks so much for the award, I am just finally getting around to say thanks....how embarassing!!! You are too kind! I love that you love Twilight!!!:-)
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