Mod Podge Mania

Tuesday Twilight Saga Update
I've been seeing lots of new New Moon pics. There are tons of fan-made posters floating around (some really good ones) and a few pics "official" movie posters like this one...

Friday Confessions - Hunger Games (Mockingjay) Tattoo Pic!

I must confess...
- I REALLY got a tattoo
- it is REALLY of a fictional bird
- and I REALLY love it!

- Remember those New Moon candies I was telling you about? I bought some...one of each (x3). I decided to break open one of the "Bellas". I'm not sure how many WW points they are, but I ate it anyway. Pretty tasty. I bet the Edward or Jacob one would have tasted better...maybe I'll give them a try.
- My good confession for the week: I was CRAVING Chili Cheese Fritos in the worst way on my way home this morning at 2:30AM. However, I did not cave. I did not go to QT and buy the "big bag". I wanted to and I wanted to chase them with a large cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper. Didn't...didn't do it.
Thursday Thankfuls

- the cooler temps...I LOVE fall weather!
- the new tattoo I'm getting TONIGHT...I love getting inked!
- my husband...for letting me get whatever tattoo I want w/out any stinky comments, because he WANTs me to be happy and whatever makes me happy makes him happy...right, babe?! ;) (Just say "yes" Michael.)
- these smaller jeans that I could fit into this morning...even though I did gain .2 at WW yesterday. Just goes to show you that the scale doesn't tell the whole story!
- my Isaiah...he's such a funny boy and he always has interesting and entertaining things to tell me. I think I'll let him vlog on my blog.
- the simple ways that God reminds me that He's in control...NOT ME...OK, I'm listening.
What are you THANKFUL for?
Hope everyone has a blessed Thursday!!
Extreme Makeover {Me Edition}

So, today Amber wants to know if we watch The Biggest Loser and what we think? Is it inspiring?
Tuesday Twilight Saga Update
Oh, girls (and guys...if there are any of you who actually read all this Twilight mumbo-jumbo)...the closer it gets to November, the more excited I get! Now they have all this talk around on the net about Eclipse...and the set and cast and filming...it's just crazy! I almost can't keep up with it all...I said almost. Here are a few of my favorite Twilight Topics from the web during the past week:
- One of my biggest dilemmas lately is WHAT TO WEAR to the opening night of New Moon! Should I wear "New Moon" garb? Red and black something-or-another? Something cute and flippy like an "Alice dress"? Well, whatever I choose, it will NOT be Pattinson Pants - OMG!
If you feel like putting pictures of Robert Pattinson or any other actor/actress in Twilight all over a pair of 80's stone-washed jeans, PLEASE lie down until the feeling passes.
- Eclipse set pics - all of wolf pack is on set! Check them out here - http://www.eclipsemovie.org/
- Have you guys see Lip Venom - Twilight Lip Venom or Moon Venom - follow those links to Amazon.com they have the whole line! I so need some of that!
- I went last week to Walgreen's to pick up a couple of prescriptions for Isaiah and they have New Moon Candy and New Moon Halloween cards! (Plus candy blood in a bag, and blood lollipops...they're really playing the vampire card!) You know I bought one! OK, more than one.
- I bought this @ Target...
I realize the pages inside are the same as the original...(thank you to my mother for pointing that out.) BUT I had to have the movie cover. So HOTT! Love it!
- I had read rumors that New Moon would premier on a new moon and Eclipse would premier the night of an eclipse...how cool would that be?! I did some research...AND Wikipedia says "A partial lunar eclipse will take place on June 26, 2010, the first of two lunar eclipses in 2010. The second will be a total eclipse on December 21, 2010." Also, according to USNO the next new moon is on November 16, 2009. SO, when are the premiers? According to newmoonmovie.org...NOVEMBER 16! So cool! I couldn't find an exact date as to when the premiere of Eclipse will be, but I'm guessing that it'll be right on target for the lunar eclipse on June 26, because it will come out in theaters on June 30, 2010! I think that is a very clever marketing strategy. Love it!
I'll be back again next Tuesday with more Twilight talk. =)
For more Twilight talk any day of the week, go to some of my favorite sites:
- Twilight Lexicon - Stephenie Meyer approved. =)
- His Golden Eyes - where I got several of my widgets.
- Lion and Lamb Love - for great pictures of the cast.
- Twilight Guide - your guide to everything Twilight...where I found the link to this blog layout. They have tons of links to other Twilight sites as well.
Hope everyone is have a terrific Tuesday!
Friend Makin' Monday

Amber over at {aefilkins} hosts Friend Making Monday. If you've never joined in, you should! Don't you like making friends? Okay, then what are you waiting for?
Today's topic: Craigslist - what have you purchased? what's the best deal you've ever got? etc.
Ok, well, I'm not a huge Craigslist-er, but I'm surrounded by them! All of my co-workers are big time Craigslist people...and freecycle and ebay...and all those other .com places. Honestly, the only thing I've ever tried to sell on Craigslist was a pair of NKOTB tickets. They didn't sell. I had to put them on eBay. So, I guess until I really "hit the big one" and walk away with some amazing thing for next to nothing, I won't be a big Craigslist person. My co-workers have got some awesome stuff like...free oriental rug, free headboard and footboard for a queen bed, a NICE black real leather couch for $100! Amber has got some pretty sweet deals too, so go check them out and all the other FMM's at {aefilkins}.
Now for a few awards...
Thank you, Macey for this Kreativ Blogger award! Man, it just totally makes my day when I get fun awards from fellow bloggers! Macey's blog, Living in France, it SUCH a fun blog. She is a HOOT! Always good for a laugh and a walk on the lighter side of life.
- Tanielle - she's always up to something "kreativ" and crafty!
- Becca - I think she's so clever for having her kiddos collect a postcard from ALL 50 states this summer!
- Vivienne - The best, most humorous story-teller EVER!
- Rebeckah - This girl is the most talented photographer! She really knows how to capture the moment...she's also a beautiful person...on the inside and out!!
- Kelli - She has a Cricut...and I'm jealous. :) I love her posts, her blog is a breath of fresh air...always doing something crafty...stamping, paper crafts...you name it!
- Carrie - What a talented girl! She is so good at turning nothing into SOMETHING! She's crafty and so great and re-doing things and giving them life again! You've got to see her little boy's nursery!
- JenJen - I LOVE hostessing and Jennifer is an amazing hostess. The parties she throws are DIVINE! I have her Twilight party from last year bookmarked in my favorites. It's like my go-to guide for planning my New Moon party. :)
Thanks to Shawn@ Seriously for this bloggy award. Her blog is such a fun read. She tells very humorous stories about her girls and hubby. She has such wit and spunk. I just lover her. She said this blog award reminded her of Twilight...imagine that my blog came to mind. Hmmm. :P

- Michelle at Tickled Pink and Fabulous - she shares my deep love for Twilight (she's even been to FORKS!) and I really do think she is FABULOUS!!
- Connie @ The Young and The Relentless - holy moley, she is HILARIOUS! I love this girl. Her Vlogs are the best!
- Xazmin (pronounced HA-z-mean...in case you were wondering) @ This is the Year - she doesn't love Twilight, but she loves Angel and Spike from Buffy...and I love her! :) (ps I'm working on converting her over to the Twilight Side.)
- Shortmama @ Family of Shorts - she is great and she's keepin' it real! I love reading her blog. Plus, she has some good meme's (you know where write a post related to a topic, copy and past a cute little button and link up...that's a meme:)
Hope everyone is having a great Monday!!
This, That, and The Other
THIS is my hubby's 33rd birthday!!
He's such a great guy, who puts up with all my craziness. He always has been supportive of everything I've wanted to do. He even knows about all this Twilight craziness that goes on here. (Like, he EVEN knows that I love Edward and he's ok with that...well, it's like his free pass, because he loves Ashley Judd, so my love for Edward makes us "even".) He let's me just be me. I love him for that...and for many other things. Happy Birthday, babe!
I also wanted to say THAT I'm going to have a Twilight Saga/New Moon bloggy carnival thingy! HOWEVER, I'm not exactly sure how to go about it...any suggestions or advice? I'll keep you guys posted.
THE OTHER thing I wanted to share is that I gained 1.6 pounds at Weight Watchers yesterday. I had a small pity party accompanied by the inhalation of a Snickers bar. After wiping the chocolate off of my lips...achem...I felt a new sense of determination. Those scales will not beat me! I'm bigger than them! I boycotted the whole weight loss venture yesterday and didn't do an Extreme Makeover:Me Edition post, but I'll join back in next week.
Hope all of you are having a great day!
Smile...it's contagious. :)
Tuesday Twilight Saga Update

So, we're just a little over 2 months away from the opening night of The Twilight Saga: New Moon!! I.CAN.NOT.WAIT. Seriously. I'm so excited. As a form of therapy for myself, an outlet per say, I will be doing a Twilight Saga update each Tuesday on any of the news I've heard or read and links when I can give them. Basically you'll get the 411 on all things Twilight. I'll do my best to reserve any Twilight tangents for Tuesdays (but I can't promise that they won't creep into Friday Confessions).
I'm sure everyone has seen the new trailer from the VMAs! It is so good. If you haven't go to my post from Sunday. It's full of Twilight yumminess. There are new scenes with the Volturi (I'm LOVING Dakota Fanning as Jane)! Click HERE
Fandango has tickets for sale from select theaters! If you haven't already, go check Fandango and see if your local theater is offering "early sale" tickets! You don't want to miss the midnight showing, do you?! Click HERE
There is already some New Moon merchandise for sale...
Available TODAY is the New Moon book with the movie cover! Click HERE
Also at Amazon.com you can pre-order the New Moon Movie Companion that will be available on October 6th. I'm sure there will be lots of great scene shots and insider information from Chris Weitz!!
Hot Topic has New Moon shirts!!! I purchased all of my Twilight shirts from them last year and they are AWESOME! So, I'll be making a few purchases there soon! My b-day is coming up and you know what this Twi-girl will be asking for! You can also pre-order the New Moon Soundtrack, which will be available for purchase on October 20th! The first single from the New Moon soundtrack is Death Cab for Cutie's "Meet Me on the Equinox". Click HERESomething that humors me, but I am intrigued nonetheless, Burger King is partnering with The Twilight Saga: New Moon and will be featuring our beloved Bella, Edward, and Jacob on Burger King crowns beginning in November! LOL. Now that's a WHOPPER! (I'm retarded) You can read more about it HERE
Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!♥
Friend Makin' Monday! ♥

This week on FMMs we're discussing our FAV FAB FALL shows (that I am personally anxiously awaiting...I've already got my DVR set!)
Fall is my FAV season for TV! All my shows premier sometime from September to October. I've got the DVR set and I'm preparing for less sleep. I usually have to watch the DVR'd version after Isaiah hits the hay. So, I'm usually up WAY past my bedtime, but it's oh-so-worth it! I love me some good TV.
Ugly Betty, who wouldn't love this show?! Betty is so real and human...and NOT perfect. I LOVE her! I secretly want her and Daniel to be together. I'm so sad that Daniel lost Molly and it seems that Betty can never catch a break. They would be so perfect together. Besides, she already loves taking care of him. It's so cute. Ahhhh. Amanda and Marc just top it off. They're so sneaky and snotty and just down-right nasty...and I LOVE them! October 9 @ 8/7c! I can't wait!

PRIVATE PRACTICE! LOVE this show! I love Addison and her revolving love life. I really want SWAT guy back! He was hott! I'm anxiously awaiting to see what happens to Violet and her baby! I can't believe that these crazzzzy TV producers think it's ok to leave a person hanging for so many month...wondering if someone lives or dies...does the crazy lady take the baby...what happens to Violet? It's all too much really. I feel like writing them a piece of hate mail, but fortunately for them, the new season is about to begin! October 1 (my birthday! Happy Birthday to ME!) @ 10/9c!

Dancing with the Stars = hot guys with no shirts (like Maksim)!!! WOOT! I'm always appauled at some of the "stars" they get to come on this show...really? WHO ARE YOU??...and you're HOW OLD? Paahhhleeeaaassee! However, the few talented stars and the hot hot professionals make up for some of that. Plus, the old geezers always provide good entertainment...a chuckle here and there. I say bring back Cloris!
Saturday Snapshots
One of the new kittens at Grammy and Papaw's

Grammy and Papaw's dog, Meesha

Ol' Glory

Isaiah and my favorite new kitten...I want to take her home, but my BIG black dog wouldn't like her much.

A rose by any other name is still a rose.

Maybe a fairy lives under there?

Friday Confessions and my new office decor ;)
- Should I confess now or later that I've been falling asleep to Twilight (the movie) playing on my iPod?
- Along with that I should also confess that I've been listening to Twilight (the movie) on my way to work...not watching...ok, watching, but just every brief once in a while when I know Edward graces the screen....oooo, and that one scene at the end where Jacob shows up at the prom. Love that scene.
- I sent Melissa a care package b/c her kiddos have been sick with the Swine Flu. (that wasn't the confession) I took some tissue paper with me just in case I needed it as a filler in the box. After purchasing my care package items, I dumped them all in the Fed-Ex box. In my haste to get the package into the Fed-Ex drop before the deadline, I left the said tissue paper all folded up nice and neatly in the bottom of the box. I'm sure Melissa was like "thanks, Jen...tissue paper, just what we needed...are we supposed to blow our nose with this?"
- I let the ATM eat my debit card! Yep, I walked off and left my card in a machine and it ate it! I almost forgot how to write a check. I've been in awkward situations a few times already because of it. Like last night, I ran by the convenience store (who does NOT take checks) to purchase a bottle of water and some Mountain Dew for Michael. I realized I did not have a debit card or cash and had to make my purchase with quarters. (Man, those quarters have really saved me lately!) Mr. Habeeb (ok, I don't really know his name, but that seems fitting) seemed really appreciative. He said "o, thank you...we been short on change." Glad I could help, Mr. Habeeb. Glad I could help.
- I've made a few changes to my decor in my office...
Is it too...how do I put this...over the top? I really need your professional opinion...or maybe I should just see a professional...therapist, that is.
Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!
I'll always remember...
Catching Fire Review
I promise that if you love romance or fantasy....you'll LOVE The Hunger Games!
Extreme Makeover : Me Edition

Oooodles and OOooodles of Swapping Goodness

She had my name back in February for my first swap EVER...a Valentine's Day swap...and she showered me with oodles and oodles of goodies. This time around was no different! I got the most fabulous "vampire-ish" swap package EVER! Julie is so clever and creative when she puts together a package. She sent me all sorts of things that are shiny, sparkly, red, black...everything that makes you think Twilight!

I really love love love it all! I just can't say enough nice things about Julie! She is a gem and the sweetest thing ever...I just love her! Go visit her blog and let her show you some good 'ol Texas hospitality and her wonderfully shabby chic decorating ideas...and you'll for sure hear about how good life is on the ranch. You won't be disappointed! Thanks again, Julie...not only for my swap goodies, but for being my friend.