

Huntington Beach Mini Movie by the Fabulous Movie-Maker, Becca Darling

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Two of my last three posts have been about Huntington Beach and how awesome it was.  Deal with it...'cause Honey Badger don't care.  "Toniiiiiiiiight...we ARE young!!!"

If you want to smile today, you should watch this.  It has that affect on people.

A ginormous THANK YOU to Becca @ The Texas Darlings for the video.  (She does this as a business, if you're interested.  They make great gifts!!)

Hope you're all having a super great week! XOXO


8 comments...I love comments:

Anonymous said...

Loved the video! I finally watched the Honey Badger video IA linked too, to freaking funny.

Macey said...

I loved the video!

Unknown said...

WHAT??!! I'm even it the title?!

SO FUN!!!!!

Connie said...

I love you.

Sheila said...

OMG! I loved this and laughed and laughed!!!!
I wanna go next time!!!

Shawn said...

I can't help myself, I have to watch it again!

Impulsive Addict said...

I just watched it again. It's like the 54th time but if Honey Badger don't care, then neither do I!

Your speaking parts are the best!

I love your skinny ass. xoxo

CrazyforChristy said...

Awesome video! I'm so jealous...I want in the group!