What better way to get back in the groove than with an EM:ME post?! Today is Wednesday, which is my Weight Watchers weigh-in day. So, I'm not sure exactly how bad I was on vacation yet. I'll have to let the scales tell the true story. I don't feel like I did all that bad. I watched what I ate on MOST days...OK, a FEW days...and I ate healthy when it was possible...OK, when it was convenient. That's neither here nor there. It's in the past. I'm dwelling on the NOW.
Amber's questions for this week:
How is sending the kiddos back to school going to affect you?
Is it going to be easier/harder?
Are there any benefits/downfalls?
Not just back to school time, but basically, summer is coming to an end.
Is summer harder or easier for you to stick to your weight loss goals?
So, Isaiah started back to school last Thursday, the day after we got back from vacation and HE LOVES IT!

For me, Isaiah starting back to school is a good thing. It helps me feel more organized and on a schedule, which means less stress and I feel in control of things...including weight loss. The only down fall is that I miss out on my morning exercising, unless I can start getting up EARLY! I'm trying, but the tiredness from vacation is still lingering. Hopefully, by next week I won't feel so tired. Summer is usually a great time for me to lose weight. It's warmer outside, so I exercise more. There are lots of fresh fruits and veggies, so I eat better. The warmer temps make me CRAVE water. However, I'm determined to be successful as we go into fall.
I WILL find creative ways to work in exercise (Thank you, Maksim and DWTS :)!
I WILL continue to eat fruits and veggies, even if they're of the freezer variety.
I WILL continue to drink water!
How have you been? Tell me, I REALLY want to know!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!!
For more EM:ME posts, go see Amber!

10 comments...I love comments:
He looks adorable!!!
Good luck at your weigh in today.
I think school being back in session will help me with my weight loss. I will be better about getting back into the routine of going to the gym!!
Welcome back, girl! I love that your real life has been so busy you haven't had time to blog...that's a good thing! :)
Isaiah is so handsome!
And thanks for the little package that arrived last week! You are a sweetie!
Blessings today,
I agree that school keeps me organized and on a better routine. And yes, summer does make me crave water. I love the picture of Isaiah...too adorable.
Gosh! I wish I craved water...mostly I crave wine.
I think you have a great plan. And once everyone is in their routine...you will find the time.
Have a great week!
How Cute, and I am so ready for back to school we still have 2 weeks..
Awwwwwwwwwwwww. I hope he has a wonderful year. And way to go on your diet. You are doing so well! A true super star : )
I crave rum but Im pretty sure that wont help my weight loss lol. I am the same with you on school creating a routine...love it!
You have the right idea..whatever the scale says just move forward..
So glad that Isaiah is loving school! Good luck with your goals!
Hey You! glad Isaiah loves school...my kiddos are so glad to be back!
I'm jumpin' back on this wagon too! I can't stand this being fat crap any more!
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