So, what to confess, what to confess...
Oooo, I got something.
- I didn't wash my hair...two days in a row. These mornings getting Isaiah up and ready for school are doing me in! I don't want him to be late. Any of you who know me very well know that he was CONSISTENTLY late to preschool. Thank goodness they didn't care, because we were never there on time...ever. So, I'm totally paranoid that we're going to fall back into the late pattern and that's just out of the question. Therefore, my hair goes unwashed two mornings in a row. Don't snarl your nose! I'm showering, just not washing my hair. This curly mess that I call hair takes at least 10 minutes, and 10 minutes makes a HUGE difference of whether we're late or JUST IN TIME! I've got to do better next week!
- I was attempting to be really good at McDonald's last night (Isaiah picked the restaurant) and I ordered a salad...and french fries. See, I'm just thinking that they balance each other out...and fries are made out of potatoes...and potatoes are a vegetable...or at least come out of the ground...sooooo...ok, whatever. I ATE FRENCH FRIES! Who cares??!...OK, these thunder thighs care, so what.
- I intentionally "misplaced" Isaiah's fundraiser thingy. I HATE FUNDRAISERS! Here take all my money, but pleeeeeaaaasssseeee don't make me sell anything! We've already been handed THREE...3...fundraisers between school and soccer. Hello! We just got started! These one fundraiser postcards you're supposed to fill out with your family's name and address and there is a little line where you write who the postcard is from...I really want to write "From: Isaiah, P.S. don't buy any of this crap."
- I have a million and one things on my to-do list and it's growing instead of shrinking...and it's driving me NUTS-O! I was just complaining to my mom about how I have so much on my list of things to do. We were in Michaels and I picked up these nifty little notepads, one was a To-Do List and the other was a weekly planner...she was like "that's just what you need, more places to write down all the things you haven't done." Thanks, Mom, for the vote of confidence.
Hope everyone is having a FABULOUS Friday!
Is it over yet? I'm sooooo ready to blow this joint!