

2010 Review Extravaganza - Part 3

July to September.

This is going to be a quick post.  Like last week, there will be a lot of pics and the words in blue will be links to some of my favorite posts.

Summer was Busy with a capital 'B'. 

We got some walls up on our new addition!

I went to my first RHOK Out with the girls from The was a RHOKin' good time!

We went on vacation.

I had more fun with my camera.

Nerd business...Mockingjay release.  Book Reviews.

My Grandpa passed away.  I miss him so much.

Isaiah started First Grade.

Football was in FULL swing and we were CRAZY busy!

Seems as though "busy" was our theme for the year.  I found myself saying "busy, but fun" more times than I can count.

The winner of the Hunger Games Trilogy from last week is....

*drum roll*

True Random Number Generator



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Casey from The Starnes Family!  Congrats!!  Send me your addy and I'll have your books in the mail to you ASAP!
I'm late posting this, but I wanted to squeeze it in before the end of the week...I really have enjoyed recaping 2010.  It's made me take inventory of all the things I'm thankful for and reflect back on the past 12 months.

For more 2010 Review Extravaganzas or to join in, go check out Emmy, Mimi, Sami, Shortmama, CAgirl or Emilisq


  1. Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited about this. Yay!

    Love the picture of your sweet Grandpa.

    Your child is too cute for words.

    Will you email me so I can email you back with my address? I can't find yours!

  2. 2010 seems like a super busy year for me too...but then I look around and wonder what the heck I was doing?

  3. I love all of these recaps and the pictures that go with them. You've had a busy stuff :)

  4. I'm so excited for the winner! I would only like it like 100% better if I won! YAY! LOL
    Your house, I'm jealous. And the RHOK girls...SO JEALOUS.

  5. Way to go, Casey! I have the book. I just haven't gotten read yet.

    Loved seeing your year in pictures. I love the picture of that girl. Soooo good. And, of course the one of your grandfather was very special as well.

    I'm so glad you are a part of The RHOK now. You are delightful, funny, and so thoughtful. I love you!

  6. Your pictures are amazing!! Love the one of your daughter where she is winking, such a great shot!!


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