

Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving...

Twas the night before Thanksgiving...

10 SIMPLE things in life that make me happy...

  1.  a GREAT cup of coffee
  2. that little ding I hear when I have a new email/comment in my inbox
  3. GOOD snail mail from a friend
  4. quiet time with a good book
  5. Gain laundry soap
  6. a clean bathroom
  7. white twinkle lights
  8. Isaiah's jokes
  9. a good chat on the phone...seems as though texting has taken over our lives and it's nice to reconnect over the phone every once in a while.
  10. my favorite song coming on the radio
I'm oh-so-thankful.

What are 10 simple things that make you happy?

What are you up to on the day/night before Thanksgiving? 

Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. 10 things?
    clean sheets
    a new magazine
    an hour to shoot
    sharpie fine marker pens
    the smell of crayons
    picking up pictures
    help with the dishes
    nail polish
    baby kisses
    family time

    Happy Thanksgiving JennyKate!

  2. clean kitchen
    a cold can of Coca Cola
    Christmas music
    my sleeping babies
    laughing with Rondell
    yummy leftovers
    a fresh bar of soap
    turning off the alarm clock


  3. 10 things:
    of course my family
    my boys laughing
    scrapbooking! (heaven)
    clean candle smells
    fresh laundered sheets
    black friday shopping
    clean house (doesnt happen often)
    victoria secret panties (shhh dont laugh!)
    having soo much family to celebrate thanksgiving with! :)

  4. Love your list! I'm shocked that Eddy didn't make the cut. I copied your idea on my page!


  5. 1. The glow of my Christmas trees at night.
    2. Krispy Kreme doughnuts, hot.
    3. Coke, ice-cold.
    4. My kids' laughter.
    5. Purring cats.
    6. Taking photos.
    7. The soft sand along the Gulf.
    8. A hot bath.
    9. Pretty much anything vintage.
    10. Living in GA!

  6. a loooonnng hot shower
    waking up to the sun shining
    fountain soda with lots of ice
    finally catching up on laundry
    date night with my hubby
    chatting with girlfriends
    new car smell
    hearing my son laugh
    smell of coffee brewing
    clean sheets on the bed

    Following you back!


  7. My girl, my family and Pepsi!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! We are huge Twilight fans too!

  8. 1. a long hot shower
    2. Pancho's cheese dip
    3. the last hour before bed when I can relax
    4. my flannel pj pants from Target
    5. Starbucks hot chocolate
    6. my dvr
    7. Twitter
    8. a fire in the fireplace
    9. the smell of chimney smoke in the neighborhood
    10. college football on Saturdays

  9. 10 Things...
    My flannel pajamas that I forgot I had
    my slipper socks (they're cool, so be quiet)
    my boys!!! hubs included
    my family
    friends like you!
    my second cup of coffee
    family time tomorrow
    my home
    our cars are both paid for (finally!)
    finally coming to a better spot financiall. maybe. ;)
    LOVE the video!!

  10. White twinkle lights are the bestest!!!

  11. I love your list as well.

    I love watching my children when they don't know I'm watching.

    I love coffee - black.

    I love Magic Erasers.

    I love pedicures.

    I love that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm going to eat my favorite meal of the year.

    I love laughing with my husband.

    I love the smell of a clean house.

    I love the smell of play-doh.

    I love my iPhone.

    I love FB - all my friends live there.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. I love to read happy lists.
    Did I just make you happy? Did you get to hear that little DING when the email arrived with my comment?! :)


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