

A Thankful Heart

I am so thankful for God.
I am so thankful for Michael.
I am so thankful for Isaiah.
I am so thankful for my mom and dad.
I am so thankful for my granny.
I am so thankful for the time I was able to spend with my grandpa before he passed away. 
I am thankful that he lives on in our hearts and we will meet again. 
I am thankful for the legacy he left behind.
I am thankful for my aunts, uncles, and cousins.
I am thankful for all of my wonderful friends (that includes you).
I am thankful for my church and church family.
I am thankful for my freedom and the men and women who fight to keep it.
I am thankful for the simple things in life that make me happy.
I am thankful for my home.
I am thankful for family traditions.
I am thankful for all of the delicious food we are eating today!

I hope you and your family are having a wonderful day!
Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I am so thankful for "meeting" you, my friend! XO!

    P.S. When you get a moment, I tagged you for a fun little Q&A on my blog today. Here's the link:

  2. Great, I love this post.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  3. What a beautiful post and hope you had a FABULOUS Thanksgiving.♥

  4. Did you forget vampires?

    Grateful I found your blog!

  5. I am so thankful for YOU! I'm lucky to know you IRL. =)

  6. IA is a bragger. I know you in real life...blah blah blah. lol
    Hope you had a great day, friend! I'm thankful for you!
    And IA. She's hilarious. :)

  7. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  8. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!


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