

Friday Confessional - 2.04

'Tis Friday, which meanest thou must confessith thy transgressions.

I confess I take random videos of myself.

This one was taken while I was checking out my hair and make-up with my 8mm App. There's more where that came from.

I also confess that my child thinks he's Indiana Jones.  He wears an Indiana Jones hat EVERYWHERE we, Hell-Mart, Granny's...he even wanted to wear it to school.  Of course, I let him.  He makes me laugh.  He's got me right where he wants me.

I confess I ate all of these.
Please note the words "BIG BAG"...which goes perfectly with my BIG AZZ.

 I confess that while watching KIMORA: Life In The Fab Lane, I realized that there are people in this world who do not pump their own gas.  For reals?  What the?  Get your butt out of the car and pump some gas yo.

You just haven't lived until you've pumped some gas.

I confess that my 7 year old says "what the?" religiously.  Just trying to keep up appearances for my Mother of the Year Award.

What do you confess?  Please, for the love of everything holy, make it good (and by good, I mean bad) and juicy.  Make me feel normal.  Just look at it as your challenge for the week.


  1. I have tears rolling. down. my. cheeks. yo. I have not laughed so hard in a LONG TIME. Love you. and Thanks.:) Lori

  2. YOU ARE SUPA FUNNY!!! Those video's are priceless!! I love that you posted one of yourself being all cutie patootie and I laughed so hard at Isaiah's video! The funnest thing is that the other people in the room were not phased by him and all his energy at all. {I wish I had his energy} HOLY COW!

    And seriously? Some people don't pump their own gas? Wait...MAMARAZZI doesn't, does she? I don't think she does.

  3. I Confess... you crack me up! Love that video of yourself thinkin you are all that & a bag o chips (you totally are by the way). Your son is HILARIOUS & by that I mean oh my gosh does he have energy. My girls would ooogle over him all the live long day! Guess what... I don't pump my own gas. In Oregon we are not allowed to pump ourselves. We have attendents that HAVE to do it. If they wash my windsheild I give them a tip too... doesn't happen often but it totally should! I've done it a few time in Florida when I visit my sista though.

  4. love the videos i am trying to get everyone to join in in a vlog link party...i am going to work out the details and then i am sure you will want to join in, right?

    IA says she won't. i am pretty sure peer pressure will change her mind.

    i don't pump my own gas. Kimora and I are BFF. it's pretty much how we roll. she is my-why-do-what-someone-else-can-do-for-you-sistah.

    don't hate, appreciate!

  5. You are hilarious!!! I got all teary and snotty. lol LOVE the videos!

  6. Sounds like an entertaining and delicious week, my friend!

    Hope y'all enjoy your weekend to the fullest. XO!

  7. Very funny.

    I love busy kids. Busy at anything besides video games.

    Its not that big a bag of cookies. I would have been impressed it if you had paired with at least a pint of ice cream.

  8. love the videos. Now I want cookies for breakfast.YUMMY

    great confession.
    Have a great weekend!

  9. I don't pump my gas if my husband is with---that is what I got him for, yo!

  10. I need to try these self-made videos! I take pictures of myself all.the.time.

    And really?? There are people that don't pump their gas?! Are we back in the 1950's?! That's just pure laziness and using her ghetto 'Baby Phat' brand to her advantage.

    Great confessions! Have a wonderful day, girl!!! :)

  11. Lol my three year old says stuff like "what the..." too. I am sure his religious daycare loves it. ;)

  12. You mean Kimoro drives? I figured she'd have a chauffeur.

  13. Here in the back of beyond, if you don't pump your own gas, you ain't getting gas. Everywhere is self serve. Me, I'm all over the gas pumping.

  14. I confess that I'm making brownies at 9am and they are low fat so I plan on eating the whole pan.

  15. You're too funny! I wish I had something super good to confess like you :( Thanks for the laughs!

  16. I have to confess to you....I do not pump my own gas.

    I don't like getting all smelly. And I'm a kept woman for crying out loud and my husband needs to have at least ONE thing he's responsible for.

    When we moved to CO in August...I drove with my sister and kids and I had to fill up the tank a couple times....and I couldn't figure out how to open the little door.

    I had to call my husband.

    *If you own a Nissan PUSH on the little door and it opens.*

  17. LOL love the Indiana Jones hat. :)
    I always pump my own gas.

  18. I was going to say the same thing IA did, she beat me to it. Are those his Grandparents? They act as if he is invisible, and I heard him say What The...too funny!

  19. If that Big Bag of mini Oreos made you happy, that's all that matters. :)

    Your son can be Indiana Jones; Dominic wants to be Batman.

  20. My 7 yo says "What the???" all. the. time.
    My 5 yo has been saying, "Oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH."
    And every time I cringe cuz I'm thinking he's gonna say God and I just don't think a kid should say that. I mean, yeah, I might do it cuz I suck, but whatever.
    Love that he's Indiana Jones! And everyone just sits there like there ISN'T a little IJ running around the room! lol

  21. Oooh, cookies! I confess...I went and bought some of those break-and-bake cookies yesterday, and have had about 5 so far. I'm sure my Weight Watchers weigh-in on Monday will be super exciting! :-\

  22. Seriously! Do they even have full serve gas stations anymore? (Outside of OR, that is...)

    Too funny! (And what's with the 3 servings in that little bag? One serving. You opened the bag... that's one serving.)

  23. I heart you!

    Love your little Indy!! That's too adorable.

    That bag isn't big..I say it's considered a snack. Just sayin.

    Did you know people who live in Jersey aren't allowed to pump their gas? At least that's what I learned on jersey shore....maybe they pump n run a lot there? Hmmm.

    What the? isn't so 4 year old follows the with really, really bad things sometimes!

  24. My 4-year-old has started saying "my heck" or just "heck"

    I will have to come back and watch the video, blogger videos don't work on the iPad.

  25. Hey lady! Thanks for following my blog! (And sorry today's confession got all heavy and weird like that...I just needed to get it OUT!) Anyway, I'm laughing out loud about the pumping your own gas thing. I grew up in the South, where all we able-bodied people do such primitive things as put gas nozzles into our cars OURSELVES. Then, I moved to the north (well, really Mid-Atlantic, but whatever...) and found out that in NJ, it's actually ILLEGAL to pump your own gas. I'm being completely serious. Every single station in NJ is full service!

  26. OH MY! Hell-mart...haha! Thanks! I will be using that one.

    My teen says "What the poo!" All the time. Where she got that, I have no clue, but it's hilarious! I know, bad mama! :)

  27. LOL -The videos are adorable! Hmmm -I confess I usually let my husband pump the gas. Oh also I confess I was thinking about joining Curves or something but, seeing as how it's Snowklahoma around here I don't even know if they've been open and haven't gone out much -I did however go out and purchase a few snack items today like cookies and peanut M&M's -Big Bag ;)

  28. lol, it is still weird to pump my own gas. I grew up in Oregon where it's actually illegal to pump your own gas! It's great on rainy days let me tell you. My first day of college I called my parents panicking because I had NO IDEA how to pump my own gas when I moved to California. Now I'm like, lightening fast. ;-)

  29. Sure hope my Girl Scout cookie confession made you feel better :) the fact that your son wants to wear the at everywhere makes me instantly love him. Kids with great personalities are the coolest!!

  30. I think my kids have said "what the" since they were about that age. Makes 'em cool. And I'll compete with you for the Mother of the Year award! LOL

  31. My 5 y/o son says "crap" sometimes. hahaha. I guess we are neck and neck in the race for Mother of the Year! ;)

  32. Living in Oregon has spoiled us. We haven't pumped our own gas in over a year. It's illegal to DIY in Oregon. really.


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