

Paying It Forward

Paying It Forward.

I've thought a lot about this topic lately. 

When I say that I would rather give than receive, I really honest-to-goodness mean it.  It makes me feel good.  Maybe that's why I enjoy doing giveaways on my blog so much.  It just feels so darn good to give.

I'm really sad to say that I recently missed out on an opportunity to pay it forward. 

I was standing in line at Wal-Mart.  It was on Monday, after a long day back at work.  I really just wanted to be at home, with dinner already on the table, but I was stuck in line waiting to pay for my groceries.  The lady in front of me was paying with an Access Card (our state welfare/DHS food program) and it always seems to take longer.  She had already scanned it twice and then the cashier had to scan it in for her.  When it was all said and done, she still owed thirty three dollars and some change.  I could tell that she had a little bit of money in her hand, but when the total came up, she was short.  She laid down some dollars and started counting out the change in her wallet.  I felt the urge to give her some money then, but I didn't want to embarrass her or make things awkward.  So, I didn't do anything.  Then, she handed the cashier a bag back and said to just take them was enough, so she handed the cashier what money she had counted out, got her receipt, and left.

I wish I had just handed her some money.  I'm not sure if what she handed back to the cashier was necessities or not.  It's more about the principal.  She was in a bind and I had some extra.  I should have paid it forward.

I'm saying all of this to say that I won't let that happen again.  If I get the opportunity to pay it forward, I'm going to do it. 

I'm making it a New Years Resolution.  One that I plan to keep.

We had the opportunity to pay it forward on The RHOK blog last month.  You can read about it HERE.  It felt good. 

Have you ever paid it forward OR been the recipient of someone's generosity?

P.S.  I'm giving everyone a little extra time (due to my bloggy break) to enter in my giveaway.  Go HERE to comment and enter!  You'll have until Wednesday, January 12th, to enter.  I'll announce the winner on Thursday, January 13th!


  1. I feel your pain! I really wanted to do a "pay it forward" during the christmas season - and i didnt! Still today - I keep kicking myself for NOT doing it!
    Btw - you get a day out of school today, huh?! LUCKY DOG! LOL!!!

  2. Twice that I can think of recently, someone didnt have enough money for a 2 liter of soda and the other didnt have enough for a couple cans of rolls. The look on their faces when the cashier handed it back to them after I said I'd take care of it was worth it. It's also a good lesson for the kids b/c they are always looking for opportunities for us to make a difference.

  3. I haven't paid it forward in a long time. I'll be on the look out for an opportunity....

  4. Good reminder Jenny - I'll keep an eye out for an opportunity to do this myself. Like you, I wouldn't want to embarrass anyone, but hopefully they would be grateful. And it is an AWESOME lesson for the kids too.

  5. That is definitely a tough one. You want to help, but not sure if you're overstepping boundaries. Your heart was in the right place!

  6. I've been thinking about it a lot lately too and trying to think of a way I can pay it forward every week. Or day. Or something. I should do it every day, but I forget cuz I'm a brat.

  7. Oh, and I was the recipient of an awesome PIF a couple weeks ago and it was amazing. AND I DID pay it forward, but I feel like I need to do more.

  8. I'm not recalling a time that someone PIF for me but I have before. My favorite thing to do is if I'm at a drive thru, to pay for the person's meal behind me. But one time I paid A LOT because they must have been feeding an entire football team so now I ask how much their bill is first. It may be tacky but I just need to know so I'm not ever surprised again.

    I couldn't click on your link for HERE. Did you link it or is my computer stupid again?

  9. Doesn't that just break your heart? Once, a few years ago, I was out shopping a couple of days before Christmas and the cashier was mentioning how tight Christmas was going to be at their house that year. I wanted to give her some extra money, and I didn't. I just wasn't sure how to go about it. I should have just done it, but I didn't, and I think about it all the time. I over-think those things, and I just need to "do".

  10. I've been trying to be aware of ways I can help too. I tried to buy a guys stuff at Walgreens when he started counting out change but he didn't "get it". I did make up the $2 difference. The link HERE for giveaway isn't a link and Idk if I entered this giveaway or not!

  11. I can understand how that would be a tough decision because you didnt want to insult her.

    I love to give rather than receive too. I try to do random things for strangers and friends alike. And they can be simple, like putting the groceries up on the belt for an elderly person who is obviously struggling, paying for coffee for the person behind you in the Starbucks line, sending a just because card in the mail to friends or family, etc

  12. The other day someone had some money left on their Starbies gift card. They told the cashier to take care of the person behind them. That was me. :)


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