

Friday Confessional

I confess that I'm doing Mamarazzi's Friday Confessional instead of my normal Friday Confessions, because I'm a follower and because it's more fun playing with friends.  I'm a people person.

I confess that I'm going out with Impulsive and our girl Mona tonight.  Patron or Captain might show up.  We'll probably start throwing around nicknames like Skillz, Slush, and XRated and there WILL be a discussion about Swingers.  That's all I can say.  The rest in confidential.

I confess that I've made up for my lack of Starbucks last week.  I feel totally accomplished.  I would also like to go on record and say that I like the new Starbucks logo.  They, of course, consulted me first.  I am a Gold Card holder and a member in good standing of the Starbucks Passion Panel.

I take my obsessions, addictions, and distractions VERY seriously.

I confess that after my last post on The RHOK the other day about The Great Kid Debate, I felt like I had jinxed myself.  So, I would also like to confess that I was praising Jesus this morning when Aunt Flo came to visit.

I confess that I listen to Justin Bieber's (and Ludacris) Baby at least once a day on my iPod or iTunes.  In the words of a wise (often drunk) friend of mine, DON'T YOU JUDGE ME.

*opening iTunes, going to playlist titled "That's My Jam", hitting play on Baby by Justin Bieber (and Ludacris)*

I confess that the winner of the $10 iTunes card and $10 Starbucks card is....

*drum roll, please*

Robin from The Robin's Nest!  Congrats, Robin!  Send me your info and I'll get your gift cards in the mail to you!!

Thanks to everyone who commented! 

Hope you guys have had a great week and a fabulous Friday!♥
What do you confess?


  1. Bieber?! BEIBER??? HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT???? Anyway.
    I'm jealous of you and Impulsive.
    Did you know that I couldn't get her blog to link the other day and then I looked, (about 400 times), and saw that her URL is spelled impLUsive instead of impULsive?
    Hey, is Edward going tonight?

  2. OH.MY.GOODNESS! I rock! That is sooooo cool-You should have seen me when I read my name! I confess, I looked like a total freak!
    Seriously this is the best news I have had all week!
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
    I'm sending you my info!

  3. I didn't judge you for any of your confessions. Util the part where I didn't win the giveaway. That's all.

  4. Great confessions! Glad you've caught up on the Starbucks ;) Sounds like you all will have a fun night!

  5. i swear i am going to send out flat Mamarazzi to go on a GNO with y'all i need a GNO...even if it is a pretend one.

  6. I love you because you confess and tell it like it is. You wouldn't be Jenny if you didn't! Your are my one friend who I rarely have to guess what they are thinking or feeling!

  7. Not Gonna lie, I thought it was "Beaver" for the longest time until I say a short clip of inside edition and In the corner of the screen it said, "Bieber Fever"and I was like, "OMG! It's not Beaver?" lol

    But I must admit, if I were 16 I'd think he was cute.

    I have so missed reading your blog. I've been MIA so I found you first.
    Have a great weekend!

  8. WHAT! baby? What did I miss. Come on. We need babies Jenny Kate. Starbucks sent me an email and told me they APPRECIATE and ADORE all pregnant gold card carrying members more than regular members. Seriously. Trust me.

  9. ahahaaha:) u crack me up! this is funny stuff friend....thanks for my morning laugh! i can't stand that kid though...{i catch myself singing it too} bahahaha

  10. Glad you made up for your list Starbucks time. Didn't know they had a new logo...can we still be friends. Have you seen the video on You Tube about the little girl who cried about Justin B? Hilarious!

  11. You Okie girls sound like a lot of fun. I am finally watching Eclipse. (Aren't ya proud of me...?)

  12. Totally jealous of girls night. And I love your playlist name but not Robin (for winning MY card)

  13. Please tell Mimi that piece of info is OLD NEWS. Gah! One mistake...

    Ok..GNO was great! Remind me to never ever order a double of anything ever again. And at our next outting, please try to control yourself and not dance on every table in the place. I mean it's cute and it made for a good youtube video but it was slightly embarrassing how you were making out with the one-footed Edward with tongue while grinding with the bald guy while he was trying to eat his dinner. I'm sorry that I didn't defend you while his wife tried to take you down. I think you showed her who the BOSS was.

    And how can I be happy for Robin? Well, I'm not. So there.

  14. My thoughts (that you can't live without):
    siblings are good - no matter what the age spread. Mine are 5 years apart and we love it.
    You may someday regret not having another child.
    You will NOT, however, regret having another child once they are here. You'll wonder how you ever considered life without them.

  15. I like that baby song and I almost bought it the other day....but I just couldn't do it.

    I'm TOO old for the Bieber!

  16. You are so much fun, JK!

    Congrats to Robin!


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