

JennyKate and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

Yep, you read that title right.  I'm having a terrible horrible no good very bad day.
  1. I woke up this morning with snot dried onto my face up to my eyeball...nice visual, eh?
  2. JK + MD = love...and I'm not talking about my hubby.  The new MD in my life is MucinexD.  It is my only relief from all this snot having a party in my sinuses.
  3. Belle got sprayed by a skunk this morning.
  4. There was NO hazelnut creamer at the gas station this morning for my coffee.  There are two offenses here.  One, no hazelnut creamer.  Two, gas station coffee.
  5. I am fashion faux pas from head-to-toe.  I'm wearing lounge pants to work w/ a hoodie sweater, and two layers of tank tops, just because I felt like it...and Toms w/ no socks.  It is so attractive.  Don't try to steal my style.  I'll know.
  6. I'm having a head-band-AND-ponytail kinda hair day.
  7. no makeup
  8. it's ugly
  9. you probably don't want to talk to me
  10. some people just popped into my office to see if they could meet with me real quick
  11. they probably regret that decision.
  12. I could go on, but it's depressing...
In other news, I posted over at The RHOK today.  Stop by and read my post, if you get a chance.


  1. Oh, man. Headband AND pony tail? That's never a good sign for me.

    Hope your day improves.

    I'm sure they didn't regret their decision!

  2. Aw I'm sorry you're having a bad day...just keep takin that Mucinex, it's a lifesaver!

    And I hope your day gets better! If not, there's always tomorrow.

  3. Aw, I hope you feel better soon! Do you have a Neti pot? REALLY helps clear it all out. I highly recommend them - I bought one two winters ago when I got tired of not being able to breathe. But maybe at least you can't smell the skunk?

    I'm also thinking I look pretty much like you do today - thankfully only my kids are subjected to my appearance though :)

  4. I'm so sorry you're having a rotten day!!!
    I hope it gets better soon. :(

  5. Ohhhh sweetie. I'm not even sure where to start. Hope your day turns around soon!

  6. Sorry you're having a bad day.

    I bought Pumpkin Spice creamer and I just realized that I don't like it anymore.

    Do you want it?

  7. oh no girl...i hope you feel better soon!!!

  8. Oh no -I hate days like that! At least it's got to get better -Right?! Oh and I do like the title though ;)

  9. Those are the types of days where I head right back into bed!! ;-)

    Hopefully things will be much better for you tomorrow!

  10. Well, that just sounds like a poo poo day-So get on over to my blog and enter my giveaway-I wrote something about you in there too! :)

  11. Oh no's. My poor JennyKate. Feel better soon. We're supposed to party on Sunday! =)

  12. My day has been very similar. Ugh!

  13. That does sound like a bad day! Oh no about the skunk! Does tomato juice really work? I hope so!

  14. Are you thinking about moving to Australia? (That has to be one of my all-time favorite children's books, BTW.)

    I agree with the Neti Pot comment. I use the Sinus Rinse, which is the same thing, basically. I haven't had a sinus infection in over 2 years now. I used to get them at least twice a year. It's really worth the small investment (under $20).

  15. That does not sound like a good day at all. I do love is a friend to me, enemy to colds.

  16. Sorry you were having a bad day! I hope you are feeling better!

  17. Sorry you had such a bad day! Hope the weekend made it all better!


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