

Thursday Thankfuls

This week I have been oh-so-thankful for...
  • Michael's new job.
  • REAL fall weather so that I can wear my comfy sweaters, boots and jeans.
  • Pumpkin Spice lattes from Starbucks.  I've been enjoying them while I can!  It's all about the Peppermint Mochas after Thanksgiving.
  • The magical feeling I start to get around this time of year...the HOLIDAYS are upon us!
  • New friends
  • Old friends
  • Bloggy friends
  • New experiences and adventures.
  • Hilarious pictures from the weekend.  I laugh each time I look through them. 

Dear Lord,

Please do not let Kristen come to my blog.  She's never been before, so don't let her start now.  Also, please don't let anyone who knows and/or is related to Kristen read this blog, because they would tell on me.  If she does happen to read this, please help her to understand that it was for entertainment purposes only.  Amen.


  1. LOL! I'm sure you all had such a wonderful time at the Twilight conference.

  2. you are so funny! Did he stay with the same company or is this a whole new venture? very exciting! congrats!

  3. Those are some great things to be thankful for! Those pictures are hilarious.

  4. You are SO funny : ) PLEASE put one of those on facebook and tag Gary : ) He is having a bad day and I want him to laugh!

  5. lol I will send up a prayer your friend doesn't see your blog.
    Funny collage :)

    I do have to say, I am starting to get in the mood for Christmas. Gotta get through Thanksgiving first. But, I am super excited.

  6. You crack me up! And congrats to you and Michael on the new job!!!

  7. I love your thankful's list! And your prayer. =)

    But...I have to ask. Are you and Eddy laying in the grass? I'm thinking YES which just makes me laugh at the GREAT time you had at the convention.

    BTW, I'm so thankful for old friends too! ;) (Sometimes I can be sweet, huh?)

  8. you are so funny! love the pictures. although I think you need a peppermint WHITE chocolate mocha stat. :)

  9. Great thankful list! Those pics are too funny!


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